Avengers (2010 series) #29 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
The Avengers are based in Wakanda, now that the Phoenix 5 have declared them outlaws and taken over Avengers Tower, Avengers Mansion and Avengers Academy.
Spider-Woman proposes to Black Panther, Captain America, Hawkeye and Iron Man that they need to take out the X-Men's telepaths before they can tackle the rest of them. Wolverine butts in and says the main targets should be Emma Frost and Rachel Summers. Iron Man thinks Emma Frost is out of their league now she has the Phoenix Force, but Wolvie says he can get Rachel to meet him.
Panther points out that they'll need a telepath of their own in order to get near her. He claims their only candidate is Moondragon, but Hawkeye vetoes her (apparently on the basis that he slept with her (amongst others)). Iron Man says all the best other telepaths are X-Men or their mutant enemies. Cap says he knows who to call, but Wolverine doesn't look happy about it.
Later Logan goes to meet Rachel in the spaceship graveyard at Chaparanga Beach in Indonesia, pretending to be on the run solo. He is in continuous mental contact with Cap's ally, who is also in touch with a hidden team of Avengers (Beast, Cap, Giant-Man, Quicksilver, Spider-Woman, Thor and War Machine). The mystery mentalist is providing psi-shielding, which Rachel assumes is artificial shielding for Wolverine provided by Beast.
Rachel wants to know where the Avengers are hiding Hope Summers. Logan attacks her, but it turns out she was psionicly hiding her own team (Sub-Mariner of the Phoenix 5 leading Angel, Iceman and Kid Gladiator). Mayhem ensues.
Hope and Black Widow appear to have come along for the ride with the Avengers, but they have kept out of the fight. Widow is leading Hope away, but Rachel has sensed her 'sister' and disposes of Natasha. But when the 2 Summers confront each other, Hope turns out to really be Cap's mystery ally who is Prof X.
Rachel telepathically screams to the rest of her team to escape, as Charles Xavier tries to contain her power. But Namor rushes to her aid.
But then Xavier puts all the combatants to sleep, even the Phoenix-powered Sub-Mariner, except Spider-Woman who claims that SHIELD implanted her with psychic shields when she worked for them. She tries to persuade him to use the same power against the rest of the Phoenix 5. But Prof X says he can't do that to his ex-students.
Charles wakes Cap and tells him not to call on him again. He says that when they awake again, none of them will remember he was here.
EnemiesPlus: Kid Gladiator.