Avengers (2010 series) #30 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
This issue starts with an opening spread of the battle in Avengers vs X-Men #10 between Cyclops and Emma Frost, the last holders of the Phoenix Force, and a collection of Avengers and X-Men. In the foreground is Hulk, Red Hulk and Thor vs Cyclops, and Iron Man vs Emma Frost. Captain America and Prof X look on, with Beast, Giant-Man, Luke Cage, Magneto, Ms Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man and Storm in the background. But that's the last we'll see of that.
Instead we watch Mr Negative and his Inner Demons break into a lightly-guarded SHIELD warehouse, killing the guards. The warehouse contains weapons used in the invasion (during Fear Itself) by Sin, the female Red Skull. Mr Negative heard that Hydra was going after this cache, and decided to beat them to it. And now's the time to do it, while the Avengers are busy with AvsX.
But at least 2 Avengers aren't too busy, as Hawkeye and Spider-Woman drop in. What follows is 10 pages of fighting while the couple bicker. Clint can't figure out why Jessica is mad at him. Eventually she tells him that Scarlet Witch confided in her on the way home (presumably from AvX#12) in a quinjet. (Not knowing that Jessica and Clint are now an item) Wanda told her that she and Hawkeye used to have a thing, and she wondered what would happen now she was back with the Avengers.
When all the baddies are down, Clint points out that it happened before Jessica came along. Jessica apologises for being jealous. They agree that being superheroes, and with their complicated pasts, makes having a relationship difficult. But then Mr Negative causes all his men to spring back into the fray as good as new.
Cap, Iron Man and Thor are relaxing in Avengers Tower as Jarvis serves them food and drink, when they are notified about the SHIELD warehouse break-in. But when they get there Hawkeye and Spider-Woman have defeated all the villains again.
Spider-Woman reveals she got a tip from Madame Hydra. Jessica used to be a Hydra agent, and Madame Hydra claims to still have a soft spot for her. It turns out that Madame Hydra deliberately set up Mr Negative to draw the attention of any spare Avengers, while Hydra actually raids another SHIELD store. This holds, as well as weapons, some Skrulls in stasis.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Giant-Man (
Scott Lang).
EnemiesPlus: Inner Demons, Mr. Negative, Phoenix Force.