All-New Captain America (2012 series) #1 synopsis by
Peter Silvestro
Sam Wilson reminds himself of his family heritage and what he is fighting for as the new Captain America, standing up for the American Dream. He swoops on his Falcon wings into a cave near a mountain lake where a disguised Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter lose contact with him while they play the part of simple vacationers. The cave is a secret Hydra base; Cap dodges guards on skycycles and gunmen on the ground, using his newly acquired shield to stop gunfire. In a control room, he hurls the shield and misses the bad guys; one of the guards mocks him for his lack of expertise and flips the shield back, knocking out the guards. The Hydra agent is the new Nomad, Steve’s adopted son Ian, undercover. They head for their target: a huge lab with a kid hooked up to a machine that drains his blood for some malign purpose. It is guarded by Batroc the Leaper, who ridicules the heroes and America while engaging in a battle that takes them elsewhere in the complex. Cap finds himself trapped on a narrow walkway over a fiery pit, at the mercy of Batroc. Nomad arrives and casually hurls the mercenary to his death. Sam is outraged but Ian shrugs it off. They seize the kid and head down a tunnel pursued by Hydra agents. They race into an elevator just ahead of a small rocket and are thrown out into a large room where they face a band of Captain America’s greatest enemies—with Baron Zemo at their head….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: American Dream, Steve Rogers (
Old self).