Amazing Spider-Man, The (1963 series) #536 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Spider-Man drops from the sky near Avengers Tower, closely followed by Iron Man. They continue their fight but suddenly Tony Stark uses a passcode to disable the Iron Spider armour he made for Peter Parker. However Peter's only playing dead because he disabled that passcode. Now he web's up IM's faceplate and an armoured blow damages some of his computer systems. When Stark recovers Spidey's vanished down a manhole.
(The story continues in Civil War #5 as SHIELD send some villains under the label of the Thunderbolts to bring Spidey in. He's rescued by Punisher and taken to be healed by the Resistance.)
Peter finds Mary Jane and Aunt May hiding in the gym at his old school, where MJ figured he'd come. She and May have taken all the cash out of their accounts. Pete says he's joined the Resistance, again what MJ expected. Peter tells her to take the money and escape with May.
But May has overheard this and insists they stay. She says that she and MJ talked him into working with Tony Stark and revealing his identity (#532), so now they share responsibility for the consequences. They'll stick together through thick and thin - that's what family means.
Peter offers to go get supplies, but MJ says his face is too well-known now. Pete retorts that her face is pretty well known as a super-model. But MJ adjusts her shirt to be more revealing and says that won't be a problem.
Peter remembers his teenage years at the school, as the nerd with spider-powers.
They book in with supplies to a flophouse. And it turns out May brought his old Spider-Man costume from the Tower.
Peter decides to use Tony Stark's tactics against him. He sneaks in to a TV studio and interrupts the news with an important message. He tells them about the Negative Zone prison where people are being held without trial. He says that safety is important, but freedom is worth dying for. He unmasks in public again and says he repudiates the Superhuman Registration Act and will oppose it with all his power.
Iron Man watches the broadcast and tells his forces to bring Spider-Man in.