Avengers: The Children's Crusade #4 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Last issue Wiccan sneaked into Dr Doom's castle in Latveria and found his 'mother' Wanda Maximoff, who appears to have forgotten that she is Scarlet Witch and is about to marry Victor von Doom. But then Doom found them, and he's not happy.
Wiccan's magic holds of Doom's attack as Billy tries to tell Wanda about her marriage to Vision and her dead sons Thomas and William. But Doom's blasts break through as he is about to reveal that the boys aren't as dead as she thought. Wanda is horrified at what Victor has done to the boy. But she still loves and trusts him.
Wanda's father Magneto, her brother Quicksilver, and the rest of the Young Avengers are getting ready to invade the castle to rescue Wiccan and Wanda. Magneto intends to provide a distraction, but that may not be necessary. The castle is surrounded by flying craft (presumably guests for tomorrow's wedding, and possibly some of them spacecraft), and now Wonder Man pops up. Unbeknownst to them Wonder Man has also been secretly followed by the Avengers, in the shape of Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Ms Marvel and Spider-Man.
Dr Doom transfers the stricken Wiccan to a cell. But he heals him with magic. He claims that Wanda's powers have gone as well as her memory. And it's best for everyone if she doesn't get them back.
He says that Wanda came to him asking for help for her gypsy people, and they fell in love. Doom also says that he knows that the Avengers think Wanda is dangerous, and that they are beginning to think Billy is too. He offers Wiccan asylum. But adds that if Billy doesn't accept the offer, then he will be kept prisoner.
Doom also drops the bombshell that while he was healing the boy he magically removed his power as well.
Outside, Magneto has started his diversion by bashing some of the flying craft together. Quicksilver divides the YA into teams. He and Speed will vibrate through doors and open them from the inside to let the others in. Patriot and Stature will accompany himself, while Hawkeye and Hulkling will go with Speed. Vision will phase in alone and disrupt the security system.
But before they can put this plan into action, Wonder Man and the Avengers drop in.
Billy is trying to use his magic power to restore his magic power, when Wanda pops in wearing her wedding dress. She's worried about this new side of Victor she's seen, and wants Billy to tell her more about the 'truth'. Wiccan agrees, but only if she helps him escape from the castle.
On the way out he tells her again about her marriage and children. But Master Pandemonium took the boys' souls for his master Mephisto. Scarlet Witch blamed the Avengers, and destroyed the team, killing 3 members. He also explains how the Young Avengers were formed, and how he found his 'twin' Tommy (Speed). But once again events stop Billy from broaching the idea that he and Tommy are Wanda's sons resurrected.
They reach the outside to find Magneto fighting Dr Doom, and everyone else battling Doombots. And one last character joins the fray as Wolverine attacks Wanda meaning to kill her. Powerless Wiccan tries to hold him off, but Logan blames her for the Mutant Decimation as well as for Avengers Disassembled. He may say he wants to kill her as a potential future threat, but it's really for revenge.
But something does stop Logan. A blast from YA founder Iron Lad.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Iron Lad (
Nathalien Richards), Patriot (
Elijah Bradley), Speed (
Tommy Shepherd), Vision (