Avengers: The Children's Crusade #5 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Young Avengers (Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Hulkling, Patriot, Speed, Stature and Vision) have invaded Latveria with Magneto and Quicksilver to rescue Wiccan from Dr Doom's castle, where he went to find Scarlet Witch. Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Ms Marvel and Spider-Man) followed Wonder Man here looking for Wanda too. Both teams got into a fight with Doom and his Doombots. Amnesiac Wanda (due to marry Victor von Doom) helped Wiccan escape from the castle. Ex-YA'er Iron Lad appeared from the timestream just in time to save her from Wolverine, who wants to kill her because she caused the Mutant Decimation. Now read on.
Iron Lad tells Stature to shrink down from giant-size because she's too easy a target for the Doombots. Cassie leaps into Nathaniel's arms, much to the dismay of Vision who had replaced him in the girl's affections. Iron Lad stops Dr Doom and Magneto fighting by putting them in stasis. Such a display of power reawakens the Avengers worry that he will grow up into Kang the Conqueror.
When the dust settles they find that Doom has escaped, and taken Wiccan and Wanda with him. In the forest Doom thinks Billy abducted Wanda, but she tells him she helped him escape. Billy told her that she was the Scarlet Witch, who lost her children and murdered some of her Avenger teammates. She doesn't believe him, but wants to know why Victor is so concerned.
Before Doom can respond Iron Man, Magneto and Wonder Man assault him, with Ms Marvel and Spider-Man not far behind. Wanda and Wiccan slip away and meet Iron Lad and the rest of YA. Billy tells them about Wanda's amnesia and both their powerless states. And Iron Lad whisks them away into the timestream as Dr Doom, Iron Man and Magneto catch up with them.
As Ms Marvel and Quicksilver join them, Doom continues to protest his good intentions. He and Wanda were in love and to be wed. And he was trying to protect her from the Avengers who want her dead. But now they have chased one of the most powerful beings of all into the timestream, where who knows what havok she may cause.
In the timestream (which here means outside of time) Iron Lad asks where they want to go. Cassie Lang of course suggests going back to Avengers Disassembled where Scarlet Witch caused the death of her father Ant-Man. Patriot warns her about changing history by saving him, saying it will only create an alternate timeline. And Kate says they've had a bad experience changing the past.
Wanda wants to go there too to regain her memory, so she can set things right. Nathaniel settles the matter by saying he can take them there in view-only mode. Even though Patriot is also worried about Wanda becoming Scarlet Witch again.
Iron Lad takes them to the right time outside Avengers Mansion, but it doesn't jog Wanda's memory. Nathaniel tells Cassie and Vision that he intends to stay with the team permanently. Vision's feigned joy is jolted when Iron Lad slyly points out that his rival for Cassie is still married to Wanda. Vizh protests that that was the other Vision.
But this is all forgotten as Cassie spots her father Scott Lang. She rushes to embrace him, and contrary to Iron Lad's claim they can touch. And Nathaniel can't get them out of here before any more damage is done, because he needs time to rebuild power.
Cassie starts to spin a tale to explain what she and her friends are doing here in costume. But this too is aborted by the appearance of the zombie-like Jack of Hearts. YA now know they are exactly on time! Cassie drags Scott out of harm's way, the other YA following, while Wanda is compelled to confront Jack.
Jack begs Wanda not to make him do what the original Scarlet Witch brought him here for. And Wanda's memories start to return. Speed drags her out of the way, as Jack explodes.
The Young Avengers pick themselves up, along with Scott. And Iron Lad detects that they are back in their original time, somewhat proven by the statue of deceased Ant-Man in the Mansion garden. But Nathaniel is confused - he didn't bring them here.
"I did" says Wanda, now in Scarlet Witch costume and using her returned power to float in the air.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Iron Lad (
Nathalien Richards), Patriot (
Elijah Bradley), Speed (
Tommy Shepherd), Vision (