Arnim Zola has invited Captain America and Donna Maria to witness the revival of Adolf Hitler’s brain—with Cap’s face. Maria hurls a vial of chemicals and sets the room ablaze; she and Cap scoop up more bottles and make their escape. A chain reaction of explosions causes the organic building to writhe, making passage difficult as the refugees must dodge flying brickwork and monstrous mouths. With a judicious use of the explosives, Cap and Maria make it to the courtyard where they encounter Zola’s guardian freaks. While Cap battles the larger, more powerful one, Donna Maria kills the other with an acid. Sharon Carter and the Red Skull arrive and Sharon shoots the gruesome monster. At this point Cap discovers he has been blinded by the chemical flash. The Red Skull mocks his helpless foe but suddenly the castle is wracked by its death throes. The group runs for their lives as the entire structure blows itself to pieces. The Skull seizes the opportunity to kill his archenemy but a falling wall buries the Nazi villain. The two women hustle Cap to safety just as SHIELD agents arrive, having followed Sharon’s homing device. As the ruin of the castle collapses in on itself, Cap is rushed off to get medical help….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Donna Maria Puentes.