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Captain Marvel #8: Review

May 2024
Alyssa Wong, Ruairi Coleman

Story Name:



Captain Marvel #8 Synopsis by Rob Johnson
Cosmic energy-eater the Undone wants Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)' energy and also CM (Genis-Vell)'s Nega-Bands. CD has wound up with the Bands but also linked with young Yuna Yang in the usual place-swapping relationship between the normal universe and the Negative Zone. The U has taken over Genis. Carol called in her 'family' Lauri-Ell, Phyla-Vell, Hulkling and Wiccan to help plus GV's Band-partner Rick Jones and Yuna's non-super family and they removed the corruption that the U put in the Bands. Meanwhile Yuna took her friend Leonore (who the U had turned into 1 of her Omen minions) to safety in the NZ. But that part of the NZ turned out to be under the U's control. And the U herself has used GV's body as a portal to reach Earth in Carol's basement.

Now the Undone is absorbing all the super-tech in the basement. Upstairs the assembled goodies hear the commotion as the lights go out. Then U's giant hand reaches up to grab Teddy Altman. Phylla-Vell (herself an ex-CM) blasts at the arm but U just absorbs the energy. Billy Kaplan casts 1 of his mantra spells to remove his husband from U's grasp, but Hulkling is weak and drained. The Undone herself now rises up from the basement and Carol tells Billy to teleport Teddy and Yuna's family to safety and guard them, also stopping U from getting *his* magical energy. Reluctantly he obeys.

Then Carol dons the Nega-Bands as the Undone grows larger and bursts out of the house. CM attacks the cosmic being and manages to break the end off 1 of her horns. Lauri and Phylla join in with a sword (found in Carol's weapons cache) and a broken wooden beam.

Down in the basement Rick is determined that Genis will survive, despite the gaping hole through his chest and the lack of the Undone to animate him.

In the Negative Zone Yuna has taken drugged Leonore to the relative safety of a lighted crystal beacon but they are still besieged by a hoard of Omens which she tries to keep at bay with a large shard of crystal. Leonore wakes up and Yuna explains the situation. But some Omens get to her while she's distracted and Leonore turns part-Omen to fight them off. She says that she feels the Undone's influence but for now she's in control. They have time for a bit of banter about the coffee date they were supposed to be having. But then it becomes real for L that the Omens were all people (from alien worlds) that the Undone consumed, and that U was playing on her insecurities by telling her that she was special. Y tells her that she's special, to *her*. And then the beacon goes out and the swarm closes in.

Back on Earth the 3 female warriors are still employing physical attacks rather than energy blasts. Carol throws a car and Phylla attacks with a battleaxe. But U grabs the head of the axe and lifts its wielder to her mouth until Carol saves her. Phylla's hands have gone numb and it's spreading. U grabs a power line and gets even bigger. Carol wonders where she storing all that energy. She tells the other 2 to keep the foe distracted while she power-flies her way *into* U's body. The cosmic giant seems to panic but then laughs. And we see Carol's body impaled on sharp-pointed bits of purple Undone-ness, complete with the trademark eyes on their surfaces.


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Captain Marvel #8 Review by (May 17, 2024)
Ruairi Coleman shared the inking with Roberto Poggi.

The battle continues.

It looks as if Hulkling and Wiccan have been written out of the story (possibly until a victory gettogether at the end). But my initials-sake Rick Jones is still in there.

Ruairi Coleman
Bryan Valenza
Stephen Segovia (Cover Penciler)
Stephen Segovia (Cover Inker)
Romulo Fajardo (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Ariana Maher.
Editor: Sarah Brunstad. Editor-in-chief: C. B. Cebulski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel


(Teddy Altman)

(Billy Kaplan)

Plus: Captain Marvel (Phyla-Vell), Lauri-Ell, Yuna Yang.