The Dark Avengers are in Latveria fighting Morgana Le Fay and her demon horde to protect Dr Doom from her. They're not doing very well:- They've killed her twice but she keeps coming back from the past. Sentry has been disintegrated. Ares is turned to stone. Spider-Man/Venom has been taken over and is trying to eat Hawkeye/Bullseye. Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn) has fled with Doom.
Now Captain Marvel/Marvel Boy and Wolverine/Daken fight monsters on the ground Ms Marvel/Moonstone takes to the sky to meet Morgana on a flying dragon. Morgana tries to kill her with a mystic sword but Karla Sofen avoids it with her Moonstone intangibility power. And then blasts Le Fay off the beast.
Meanwhile IP and DD have gone back to Morgana's home time of 690 AD. Specifically to just before she launched herself through time to initiate this battle. Morgana tries to make them distrust each other - but they already do! Then she taunts Victor von Doom that he can't afford to kill her because their timelines are too interwoven. His response is to cast a spell in a language Le Fay doesn't recognise. And she is sent into the magic cauldron she uses to see through time.
Doom tells Osborn she was right - he daren't kill her. So he just sent her elsewhen. Norman tries to make sense of it all. Morgana has been stopped from starting the future fight in which she did die - twice. But during which she was able to return to the battle because she was still alive here? Victor just dismisses him as ignorant in such matters.
Morgana finds herself in 1,000,000 BC being chased by a T-Rex and some cavemen. (Impossibility piled on impossibility!)
Doom tells Patriot they must leave the Arthurian age immediately to avoid damaging the timestream more than they had to. And for the same reason they must return to exactly the moment they left - he can't allow Osborn any opportunity to change things nearer the present either. When Norman protests Victor points out that he owes his current position of power to being in the right place at the right time to kill the Skrull Queen and end the Secret Invasion - small changes in time could jeopardise that. NO concedes the point, and Doom summons his time cube.
When they get back the battle is over. Demons lie strewn about but Morgana's not there. Venom is free of his possession and apologises for attacking Bullseye - but Bullseye calmly says he'll kill him later. Ares is still stone until Doom magically restores him. Sentry is still gone. Osborn calls Victoria Hand to send a HAMMER craft to pick them up.
They survey the ruins of Doom's castle. Osborn brought the team to Victor's aid because Doom is part of his Cabal. But his Avengers can't be seen openly helping him so it won't happen again. And Norman will keep this incident secret, including Doom being defeated by Le Fay.
After they've gone Doom creates his time cube again and uses it to bring his castle from its unruined past.
On the way back Moonstone tries her psychological tricks on Marvel Boy by praising his battle skill. And telling him she is Kree like him, or at least the moonstone bonded with her is Kree. Ares smiles as he sees MB admiring her curves as she walks away. Norman gets some news from Victoria about Clint Barton, the real Hawkeye/Ronin, giving a television interview to insult him. NO wants to respond, despite Hand warning him not to.
And Sentry rematerialises in front of their plane. And Osborn doesn't like the look Bob Reynolds gives him.
(None have been indexed yet)