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Fear Itself: The Home Front #3: Review

Jun 2011
Christos N. Gage, Mike Mayhew

Story Name:

Going Viral


Fear Itself: The Home Front #3 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Miriam Sharpe threatens the mob who are planning to kill Speedball, ordering them to stop. She makes clear that Speedball did not kill her son, only making the situation worse. She also says that there are times when they need superheroes and this is one of those times. She tells someone to look at their laptop and the news comes in of the Serpent’s attacks all over the world, including eight powerful individuals with hammers. Miriam tells Speedball to go out and help someone, wherever no superhero is, to give them hope…

…so he goes through a dimensional door back to Avengers Academy HQ and tells Jocasta to send him somewhere nobody else is. She sends him through a door to Salem, Missouri, where…

Juggernaut, possessed by Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, is on a rampage. Unable to stop the unstoppable villain, SB uses his kinetic energy to add to Juggernaut’s leap, sending him far out of town. Juggy looks back and slams his hammer to the ground and a massive chasm opens up through the town; Juggy moves on. When the citizens of Salem come out to investigate, SB hands them his Avengers communicator and puts them in touch with the people of Stamford so they can help each other. Even though he is wounded, Robbie keeps moving, he goes back to the HQ then Jocasta sends him through to St. John’s, Newfoundland…

…where Speedball faces Attuma, possessed by Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans….

“The Age of Anxiety Part Three: Funeral Writes” 3/5
Writer: Peter Milligan. Art: Elia Bonetti. Colors: John Rauch. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: In Germany, the Agents of Atlas (Jimmy Woo, Namora, Gorilla-Man, Uranian, Human Robot, Venus) are exploring the Thule Society castle where Jimmy Woo and Human Robot have discovered the skeletons of many Atlanteans. The rest of the team arrives but Jimmy doesn’t want Namora to see the bones of her countrymen so he angrily orders them all away, confusing them by his sudden strange attitude. He goes back to examining the writing on the parchment made of Atlantean skins, trying to discover what the Society did for the Red Skull. They are attacked by a Nazi robot and the sounds cause the others to come running. They destroy the robot but when Namora sees the bones, she is offended that Jimmy wanted to protect her when she sees she must give the skins and the bones a proper funeral. She and Jimmy break up over his obsession with knowing the truth while Gorilla-Man suggests that it’s being with Namora that has changed them….

Jimmy and M-11 sit on the roof, watching as the bones and the writings are destroyed in a funeral pyre. Then M-11 reveals that he scanned all of the pages and translated them into English….

“A Moment with…the People of Paris” 4/5
Writer: Howard Chaykin. Art: Howard Chaykin. Colors: Edgar Delgado. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: Mignonette Gotlieb muses on how she moved from Brussels to Paris to be part of the magic city, only to be turned to stone by the Grey Gargoyle, possessed by Mokk, Breaker of Faith….

“Breakdown” 4/5
Writer: Ben McCool. Art: Mike Del Mundo. Colors: Mike Del Mundo. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: The city is shattered by rioting and looting. Cardiac is on the scene to rescue people where he can. He comes upon an overturned taxi with a man and a boy inside, the man pleading for his son to reach the hospital to treat his meningitis. Cardiac recognizes the man as the head of a pharmaceutical firm whose greed delays life-saving medication from reaching the market—the situation which killed Cardiac’s brother, leading to him becoming a superhero. He ponders the matter, then hits the man while taking the boy and rushing him to the hospital. Soon, a nurse comes to tell him he was too late and the boy has died. Because he hesitated so long, what the hero hoped would be his redemption is just more bloodshed and fear.

Characters: Cardiac


Review / Commentaries

4.5 stars

Fear Itself: The Home Front #3 Review by (June 19, 2024)

Review: Speedball story: See issue #1 for full review. Agents of Atlas story: See issue #1 for full review. “A Moment With” is a nice character vignette that actually illumines the effect of FEAR ITSELF on a person and a population. Maybe these weren’t all pointless? The Cardiac tale is a strong focus on a hero who struggles with the conflict between the call of duty and his personal moral stands. And the hero does not redeem himself in the end, making for a gritty entry in the series.

Comments: Story 1: Part three of seven. Story 2: Part three of four.

Mike Mayhew
Mike Mayhew
Rain Beredo
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Penciler)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Inker)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Dave Lanphear.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Jocasta Pym)

(Cain Marko)

(Robbie Baldwin)

Plus: Agents Of Atlas, Cardiac (Elias Wirtham), Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale), Human Robot, Jimmy Woo, Namora (Aquaria Neptunia), Uranian (Bob Grayson), Venus.