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Fear Itself: The Home Front #4: Review

Jul 2011
Christos N. Gage, Mike Mayhew

Story Name:

Fatal Errors


Fear Itself: The Home Front #4 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

In St. John’s, Newfoundland, Speedball faces Attuma, possessed by Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans, who hurls his hammer at the hero. Speedball uses his kinetic energy powers to redirect the hammer, sending it back at Attuma who is carried miles away into the ocean. SB hands out Avengers communicators to everyone, telling them to spread the word around the world that these guys can be beaten….

But Attuma returns and after a fast and violent battle, the villain calls up a tsunami that devastates the town, overwhelming Speedball. This has been seen all over the world while Jocasta calls desperately for Robbie to respond….

“The Age of Anxiety Part Four: Whiskey Sour” 3.5/5
Writer: Peter Milligan. Art: Elia Bonetti. Colors: John Rauch. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: At the Thule Society castle in Germany, the Agents of Atlas (Jimmy Woo, Namora, Gorilla-Man, Uranian, Human Robot, Venus) gather around the funeral pyre Namora has created for her murdered countrymen. Jimmy Woo informs them the M-11 has discovered the entire castle is booby-trapped and set to explode. The team flees through the castle, encountering and destroying one last Nazi robot plus Namora rescuing Jimmy from a big fall. They make it to Uranian’s ship just as everything explodes. They see on the news about the chaos all over the world so Jimmy apologizes for his romance with Namora and heads to his refuge in 1958. Namora and Gorilla-Man ask M-11 what Jimmy discovered on the manuscripts. M-11 shows them that Jimmy decided the world would be better off if these notes were destroyed sight-unseen so he told M-11 to delete them without reading them. Namora calls this an utterly heroic act by Jimmy Woo….

“A Moment with…Kida of Atlantis” 3/5
Writer: Howard Chaykin. Art: Howard Chaykin. Colors: Edgar Delgado. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: Warrior Kida of Atlantis sees his city destroyed by Attuma, possessed by Nerkodd, Breaker of Oceans. He can’t decide: is he to be loyal to Namor…or to Attuma who bears the Imperial Trident…?

“Legacy” 3.5/5
Writer: Kevin Grievoux. Pencils: M.C. Wyman. Inks: John Wycough. Colors: Wil Quintana. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: Blue Marvel returns to his underwater sanctuary Kadesh Base to find it in ruins. He delivers a Chinese sub to a US ship commanded by a Captain Degraffenreid who hates Blue Marvel for his reputation as a coward, accusing him to trying to start an international incident with China. BM warns them there is loose anti-matter underwater but Degraffenreid refuses to listen. So BM heads down to move it and encounters a dragon; he clears everything up and returns to talk to Degraffenreid and they sort things out. BM learns the other guy is the grandson of a platoon co-member from the Korean War. Degraffenreid discovers BM is the officer who was captured to enable his men to escape, including his grandfather. Lesson learned about fear.


Review / Commentaries

4.5 stars

Fear Itself: The Home Front #4 Review by (June 26, 2024)

Review: Speedball story: See issue #1 for full review. Agents of Atlas story: See issue #1 for full review. “A Moment With” about a new character who is never seen again and his confusion about whom to serve…makes no sense here but would be more appropriate in a regular Subby vs. usurper story. Blue Marvel: I could not understand a word about the peril, it was all jargon to me. It was a nice tale of reconciliation, though. Too bad about all the sci-fi twaddle.

Comments: Story 1: Part four of seven. Story 2: Part four of four.

Mike Mayhew
Mike Mayhew
Rain Beredo
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Penciler)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Inker)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Dave Lanphear.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Jocasta Pym)

(Robbie Baldwin)

Plus: Agents Of Atlas, Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear), Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale), Human Robot, Jimmy Woo, Namora (Aquaria Neptunia), Uranian (Bob Grayson), Venus.