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Fear Itself: The Home Front #7: Review

Oct 2011
Christos N. Gage, Mike Mayhew

Story Name:

Hope Like Fire


Fear Itself: The Home Front #7 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

The people of Stamford stand up to the Sisters of Sin but Sister Pleasure manages to hypnotize the group—but that gives Speedball enough time to recover and battle the baddies and, with some help from Miriam, Leonard, and the others, the villains are defeated….

This turns the tide and the people of Earth win the war. Afterwards, Speedball joins Miriam Sharpe at a memorial but she makes it clear she will never be able to look at him without being reminded of how her son died but he is still welcome to return….

“The Chosen, part 3 of 3: Pearl Harbor A.D. 2011” 4/5
Writer: Fred Van Lente. Art: Alessandro Vitti. Colors: Java Tartaglia. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: The five young heroes aboard the Hell-Carrier watch helplessly as the ship heads toward Waikiki Beach in Hawaii; Amadeus Cho explains that it is powered by Vril energy, a anti-life force dating back millennia. Power Man detects the source beneath them. X-23 begins cutting through the floor with her claws, Power Man strengthening her with his energy while Thunderstrike, Spider-Girl and Amadeus fight the Shark-Men. X-23 and Power Man reach the center of the anti-life force and PM unloads his chi into it, causing a massive explosion, hurling the ship into the distant ocean. PM uses a pair of force fields to rescue the heroes….

Later, Amadeus brags to the news media about his brilliance in bringing the team together and asks them if they will follow public opinion and stay together. X-23 kicks him in the crotch and they all walk away….

“Another Moment with…J. Jonah Jameson” 2.5/5
Writer: Howard Chaykin. Art: Howard Chaykin. Colors: Edgar Delgado. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: After the conflict is over, Peter Parker points out to Mayor J. Jonah Jameson that he was a rock during the crisis but is now nervous. JJJ then delivers a speech praising the city for its strength…

“The Home Front Lines” 4.5/5
Writer: Brian Clevinger. Art: Pablo Rainmondi. Colors: Veronica Gandini. Letters: Dave Lanphear.

Synopsis: Captain America stands on the outskirts of Broxton, Oklahoma, ready to defend it against the invaders. The local men who wanted to stand with them panic and flee. We follow one of them, Rick, as he returns to town to look for his family but the place is deserted. As he drives around, he rescues a dog, a little girl, and her ailing grandfather. Rick learns that everyone has gone to the school basement for refuge. As he hears the battle begin in the distance, he delivers the people to the school, checks that his own family is safe, then out of guilt, returns to help Captain America….


Review / Commentaries

4.5 stars

Fear Itself: The Home Front #7 Review by (July 16, 2024)

Review: Speedball story: See issue #1 for full review. The Chosen story: See issue #5 for full review. “Another Moment” ends where its series began, with a pointless vignette of JJJ confused as to the situation. “Home Front Lines” wraps up the entire HOME FRONT title with an illustration of its overall theme: how people can help each other in a disaster. A very nice little story that focuses on an ordinary schlump rather than a hero and is all the better for it.

Comments: Story 1: Part seven of seven. Story 2: Part three of three.

Mike Mayhew
Mike Mayhew
Rain Beredo
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Penciler)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Inker)
Marko Djurdjevic (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Dave Lanphear.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)
J. Jonah Jameson
J. Jonah Jameson

(JJ Jameson)

(Robbie Baldwin)

(Anya Corazon)

Plus: Power Man (Victor Alvarez), Sisters of Sin, Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson), X-23 (Laura Kinney).