Guardians of the Galaxy (2013 series) #5 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
We open with a continuation of Angela's raging from the end of Age of Ultron #10, where she swears vengeance on whoever has dragged her from heaven.
Somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy Tony Stark and Rocket Raccoon survey the broken Iron Man armour, while Groot has a kip. Spartax troopers tore it apart in #3. Rocket astounds Tony by producing a tool which seamlessly welds it back into working order. Gamora complains that Drax and Star-Lord have gone off on their own. There's tension between her and Stark since they slept together last issue.
Peter Quill is on Rigel 7 (in our galaxy) chased by Spartax troops until he's snuck away by Mantis. It was her he came to see. He's hoping her telepathy/empathy can explain something that happened to him a couple of days ago. He was chasing Badoon with Drax when they both saw lightning, and Star-Lord had a vision. He saw episodes from his past and maybe his future. Mantis looks into his mind and thinks time got jumbled up. She ends by suggesting he go to consult a mutual acquaintance.
Meanwhile Drax is trying to get a Badoon to tell him why they attacked Earth.
Back on the Guardians' ship they get an automated warning that something is approaching Earth. Rocket flies them there to investigate. What they find is Angela. But she isn't recognisable in the Guardians' copious database. Nor is her species. (But Tony thinks she's vaguely familiar.)
Gamora goes to fight Angela in space, and then on the Moon.
Meanwhile Peter has gone to see Thanos. Who tells him that he experienced one of the many rips in reality that happened recently And it's all the fault of Earthers. So the big galactic players will now be out to deal with Earth once and for all.