Iron Man (1968 series) #104 synopsis by
T Vernon
Iron Man confronts Midas, who dons an exoskeleton to allow him to raise his bulk and also endows him with the power to turn anything he touches to gold, like his Classical namesake. He seizes the hero and indeed transforms him into gold and proceeds to smash him to pieces with his enhanced strength. The end of the series? No, a nightmare of Madame Masque’s as she spent the night in Tony Stark’s mansion. Whitney offers Tony her love and support but that isn’t enough—he must regain his factory at all costs. After he leaves Masque is confronted by Jasper Sitwell, her ex-lover who followed them to the mansion. He is now jealous of her relationship with Iron Man….
Back at Stark International, Midas fires all of the employees, replacing them with robots, and creates an Iron Man army out of all of Tony’s stolen armors….
The police investigate the mysterious death of Harry Key and Detective Michael O’Brien decides to don the Guardsman armor once more….
When Iron Man returns to the Mansion, Jasper confronts him and Madame Masque; the jealous lover unleashes an electric cable and explosive darts on the hero. Jasper’s irrational anger and training allow him to get the best of the wary hero in a chase around the mansion. He challenges Iron Man to fight for Whitney but the woman herself tells him it’s over and that she chooses to be with Iron Man. The dejected Jasper walks away….
Epilogue 1: Jack of Hearts ponders what to do to help Iron Man defeat Midas….
Epilogue 2: Marianne Rodgers, newly released from an asylum, is offered a lift by a kindly motorist; she mistakes him for Tony and wipes his brain….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Marianne Rodgers, Michael O'Brien.
Mordecai Midas.