Iron Man (1968 series) #107 synopsis by
T Vernon
In the battle to regain Stark International, Iron Man is overwhelmed by mechanoids in versions of his own armor. Fearing that his beloved Madame Masque is dead, he unleashes his full fury, obliterating all opponents. Rushing to Whitney’s side, Tony is unaware that Midas is behind him—until he is turned to gold by the villain’s touch. All of his allies are similarly transformed by the hand of Midas. Abe Klein bitterly regrets betraying Tony so as to learn the whereabouts of his wife and daughter, missing since the War. To completely destroy him, Midas reveals that his loved ones are long dead….
An insane Marianne Rodgers arrives at the ruined main gate of the factory, bent on revenge against Tony Stark….
The golden heroes are set up as statues on the façade of Midas International. The effect wears off of Jack of Hearts because of the Zero-Fluid which gives him his powers and he leaps to the attack. The paralyzed Iron Man is toppled and the golden outer shell cracks open and an unharmed Tony crawls out. He assembles a new armor from the scattered pieces on the mechanoids and is ready for battle. Jack crashes into Midas’ throne room but the baddie launches mini-missiles knocking the hero out. Iron Man arrives at this point and he and Midas duel to the finish. Abe Klein, rushing to Shellhead’s aid is mortally wounded by the villain. Just as the antagonists are locked in a stalemate, Marianne arrives and unleashes a psychic attack against Tony; Iron Man ducks and the blast hits Midas, erasing his mind. She breaks down completely and Abe Klein asks Tony’s forgiveness before he dies.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Eddie March, Guardsman (
Michael O'Brien), Jean DeWolff, Wraith (
Brian DeWolff).
Marianne Rodgers, Mordecai Midas.