Working for the Commission on Superhuman Activities, USAgent tracks down and subdues the fugitive Piledriver. After the fight, he discovers that on onlooker was an alien in disguise. Reports come in from all over the country—and the world—of alien criminals causing disturbances, necessitating superhero intervention. USAgent reports this to Valerie Cooper who calls in the Avengers. Hank Pym detects a massive cloaks spaceship in orbit and the heroes (with USAgent, who insists he’s in charge) head out to investigate in the Quinjet. Their ship is destroyed and the Avengers are taken aboard the alien craft. There they meet Ronan the Accuser who informs them that, in view of the planet’s heroes’ ongoing interference in the affairs of other worlds, the Intergalactic Council has decided to quarantine Earth by making it a prison for the worst of the galaxy’s criminals—and Ronan is the warden. He then teleports them back to Earth. As they debate a course of action, word comes in that one of the prisoners is the contained form of Ego the Living Planet, but it has burst its bonds and is expanding—in a week Ego will have absorbed the Earth….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Commission on Superhuman Affairs, Duane Freeman (
Duane Jerome Freeman), Goliath (
Hank Pym), Triathlon (
Delroy Garrett Jr.), Valerie Cooper (
Val Cooper), Warbird (
Carol Danvers).
EnemiesPlus: Reptyl, Ronan (