an anonymous tip, Hawkeye shows up at a waterfront warehouse to investigate an
illegal arms deal. On the roof he is accosted by Sandman, who phoned in the tip
and had been sent by Silver Sable to stop the deal; Sandman also believes
Hawkeye is one of Sable’s agents, despite his denials. The disguised buyer
arrives and is met by the seller, Madame Menace, to talk business. Sandman’s
orders are to capture Madame Menace and so wants to wait until the buyer
leaves; Hawkeye doesn’t want someone walking away with a superweapon. Hawkeye attacks, Sandman joins in, battling
MM and her minions who are armed with some pretty impressive armaments. The
buyer reveals himself to be Doctor Octopus and fights Hawkeye because he
doesn’t want to lose his new acquisitions. There is a lot of chaos in which
both Doc Ock and Madame Menace escape, promising to meet again later. Hawkeye
grabs onto the bottom of Doc Ock’s helicopter and is knocked off, only to be
caught by his sandy ally. The two size up a failed mission and return to
bickering about whether Hawkeye works for Silver Sable….
Story #2Greed
Danny Fingeroth.Penciler:
Dave Cockrum. Inker:
Kim DeMulder. Colorist:
Andy Yanchus. Letterer:
Janice Chiang.
Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner is searching the world’s oceans for the missing brood of his late wife Marrina. Near Puerto Rico he comes upon a family whose small boat has capsized; Namor swoops down and rescues them and returns them to shore. Discovering the family is poor, Namor gives them some gold he had been saving for another purpose, to their surprise and gratitude. The boy gives Namor a small wooden fish on a cord to wear about his neck. Namor takes his leave, feeling satisfaction in the transaction….
In his search, Namor dives into the Great Puerto Rican Trench and discovers what appears to be a building made of gold. He is challenged by a submarine and asked to board peacefully. He meets US Government Agent Charles Anderson, who tells him of the Manhattan building suddenly transformed into gold; it was hidden at the bottom of the ocean so as to not to destroy the world economy. He threatens Namor, telling him to forget the gold and never come back. Irritated, Namor continues his search in the Trench only to discover another sub stealing the gold. He decides it is none of his business and swims off, surprising the sub’s owner, Goldbug. But Namor has second thoughts, realizing that, as an Avenger, he should be protecting the common man from the economic upheaval that would follow the recovery of the gold. So he returns and tears the net carrying the gold from Goldbug’s ship; Goldbug fights back with his shipboard weapons but Namor withstands them all so the villain gives up and sails off, planning to come back another day. Namor is then caught by Anderson again and his story of a villain in another ship is not believed. Namor is disgusted and departs. Anderson thinks it may be a good idea to move the gold to another site….