Thunderbolts (2016 series) #4 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Abner Jenkins/MACH-X considers his position. His time with a previous incarnation of Thunderbolts had turned him from a villain into a hero. Later he worked with SHIELD and wound up helping run Pleasant Hill, the 'prison' for supervillains in Avengers: Standoff. After the prisoners' revolt he escaped with some other ex-Thunderbolters who assumed he had been an inmate too. Winter Soldier took control of them as his new team, and Abe wonders which side of the law he's now on.
His buddy Erik Josten/Atlas has no such qualms. He's just impressed by the secret base Bucky Barnes has provided them with.
Fixer calls a meeting to show them a news report in which SHIELD has publicly declared them terrorists. Moonstone suggests Bucky call his pal Captain America to set things straight. Bucky says he's tried several times but can't get through (we saw 1 attempt in #1, and last issue Cap couldn't contact him either). Barnes asks Fixer if he's jamming signals - Fixer says no, but he will now if Winter Soldier's going to be contacting Avengers! The little girl/Cosmic Cube Kobik tries to act nonchalant.
Fixer is serious, if they want to remain free to do their leader's Man On The Wall job countering alien threats (like the pods they investigated in #2 which led to the confrontation with the Inhumans last issue). He wants all Internet/comms activity banned unless it's heavily encrypted.
SHIELD are doing forensics on the site of the #2-3 events, but all the Agents are KO'd by the speedster Blur of the Squadron Supreme. He is joined by Dr Spectrum and Nighthawk, who is interested because the aliens in #2 might be connected to the alien conspiracy he's been investigating (in issues of the Squadron's title).
Reports that the Thunderbolts possess an extreme superweapon (actually Kobik) are also relevant the the Squadron's prime directive - to neutralise planet-threatening stuff. Spectrum tracks the energy of the TBolts' departing aircraft, and Nighthawk calls in Hyperion and Thundra to join them.
To Atlas being on the run is just like the 'good old days'. He's more concerned about losing access to Facebook and Internet games. But MACH-X doesn't want to be a criminal again - while he was in the earlier Thunderbolts he surrendered to the authorities and went to prison to wipe his slate clean. He notes that SHIELD hasn't named him as a member of the new team, so maybe he could quit now.
Erik is understandably upset about his pal leaving. He reminds him of how SHIELD (via Kobik) brainwashed the villains in Pleasant Hill into believing they were ordinary folks leading ordinary lives. Now he's left with conflicting memories of a family that never existed.
They and Karla Sofen are interrupted by Hyperion literally dropping in to the room. Karla armours up as Moonstone and tries to psych him out by reminding him how the previous team beat him in their #153. But it's not the same Hyperion. Fixer and Winter Soldier arrive to join the fight.
But then Thundra and Dr Spectrum enter through the hole Hype made in the roof. Abner tries to suggest they talk before fighting, but at the same time hitting Spectrum in the face. Blur zooms in and retaliates. And Nighthawk somersaults in and demands they hand over the stolen weapon. Bucky and Kobik both know he means her.
There's a chance that Abner might get his wish. But then Moonstone zaps Spectrum (she seems to be getting all the knocks) and Hyperion reacts angrily. Nighthawk sends Blur to take the little girl to safety so they can unleash their abilities without worrying about her. Blur grabs Kobik but she freezes him to immobility.
By now MACH-X has got his armour on too, and the fight starts in earnest. Moonstone sees the Thunderbolts losing and asks Kobik to do something. But Bucky had forbidden the 'girl' from hurting people. But on the other hand her friends are getting hurt. So she does do something.
The Squadron Supreme suddenly find themselves in a hole in the ground where the Thunderbolts' base used to be. And the base reappears at the North Pole. Kobik says the Squadron won't find them here. But Abner Jenkins is still not sure this is where he belongs.