Mighty Avengers, The (2007 series) #20 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Henry Pym has returned from Skrull captivity at the end of Secret Invasion to learn that his ex-wife Janet Van Dyne has just died in battle.
He remembers when the Avengers found Captain America frozen in suspended animation (Av#4), when Hank was Giant-Man and Jan was as usual the Wasp. Cautious Henry warns her that they might not be able to successfully revive Cap, but she is just awed by the prospect of fighting alongside a living legend - and of course he'll want to join the team.
Cap has been MIA since 1945. They wonder what he'll make of various things that have appeared since then, and how he'll cope with most people he knew being dead. Jan says if Hank gets frozen in a block of ice she'll wait for him ...
... but now he's here without her, talking about her funeral, supported by Carol Danvers (Ms Marvel) and Simon Williams (Wonder Man). He's unshaven and dishevelled and can't take it in.
On the way out to a waiting car he's besieged by reporters. Hank can't understand most of the questions they ask. Carol fights them off and joins him in the back of the car. She explains that the Skrull who replaced him was a major player in the Invasion, and many people think he still is a Skrull. He insists she explain everything that happened while he was gone.
We get 1-page shots of House of M (and "No more mutants"), the Superhuman Registration Act/Civil War (and the Mighty Avengers), Captain America's assassination, World War Hulk, and Secret Invasion (and the death of Wasp). Henry remembers the young Jan saying she'd wait for him, and the last time they were together before he was replaced when they argued and split up. And he at last collapses in tears.
Days later it's Jan's funeral. Henry is tidier but still unshaven as he steps up to speak about his ex-wife. But he turns it into a rant at Tony Stark who he blames for everything (as do most people). Thor calms him down and delivers a better eulogy for his Avenging comrade. Then he takes Hank away where they can mourn together.
Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Bobbi Morse (Mockingbird) are among the mourners. When they see Norman Osborn in the crowd Clint loses his temper and calls him Green Goblin. Osborn holds his cool and gives Barton and the other New Avengers 24 hours to Register with the Initiative, which he now runs. Carol Danvers drags Clint away.
Afterwards we see Osborn occupying Avengers Tower.