Prologue: Kurse—Algrim the Dark Elf as transformed by the Beyonder (SECRET WARS II #4)—crawls out from under the wreckage of the building Power Pack had dropped on him (POWER PACK #18) and heads off on his mission of vengeance against Thor….
Meanwhile, the scarred Thor returns to Midgard from his mission to Hel and restores the captive souls to their bodies. As he walks the streets he is heckled by a gang of hoboes for not caring about little people—so he unmasks to show them what he has suffered for the human race….
Subplots, all in one place: The Power Pack kids meet the defeated Beta Ray Bill and they head off to warn Thor of Kurse. In Asgard, Loki fires his Cosmic Transmuter at an ordinary New York housewife as part of his latest scheme. At the edge of Asgard a bunch of kids discover Surtur’s fallen sword and a huge machine draining its energy.
The Beyonder tunes in on Kurse as the villain catches up with Thor and he decides to continue with the experiment. After some heavy punching, Thor dons his Belt of Strength; the Beyonder then increases Kurse’s strength to surpass it. Just as Thor believes he may finally be defeated, Power Pack and Beta Ray Bill arrive to join the battle. The villain’s memory is jarred and he remembers that it was Malekith, not Thor, who dropped him into the fiery pit. The Energizer (a/k/a Katie) absorbs the power of the two heroes’ hammers and unleashes a blast that fells Kurse. The Beyonder appears, marveling over the trust, sacrifice, and family feelings that motivated the heroes and the kids and he decides to choose to be good. Thor suggests that Kurse be sent to Hel to pursue his former king. The cosmic being vanishes, Bill escorts the kids home, and Thor prepares to return to Asgard. Suddenly a housewife (seen earlier) rushes forward to kiss Thor—and Loki’s trap is sprung: Thor is transformed into a frog!!