The issue begins with a 2-page spread symbolising the clash of heroes from the Marvel and Ultimate Universes in Secret Wars #1, with the Ultimate U Punisher training his gunsights on them all. That's all we see of the end of the Ultimate Universe (and the Marvel 1 too). The rest of the issue is set in Battleworld Manhattan, which is an amalgamation of the city from both universes. It is also '3 weeks ago', though 3 weeks before what we don't know - certainly not 3 weeks before the end of the multiverse in the preceding bit.
The Marvel U Spider-Man is swinging through the city, with what appears to be an unexplained spacewarp off to 1 side. He comes across the 5 members of the Ultimate Serpent Squad (Anaconda, Asp, Black Mamba, Death Adder and Princess Python) robbing a Hydra base. Suddenly some of the All-New (or Young) Ultimates come to his aid - Black Widow, Bombshell, Cloak and Dagger. And the villains fall.
Spidey questions Black Widow (Jessica Drew, previously the Ultimate Spider-Woman) about something she said last time they met, that she was a clone of him. She confirms it (actually it is the original Ultimate Spider-Man she was cloned from, but he was Peter Parker too). She adds that she knows his real identity. In fact they all do (but that's because Ultimate Peter Parker died and was unmasked). This worries him a lot.
Spider-Man has to leave for a meeting of heroes from both universes. The Young Ultimates are miffed about not being invited.
Ultimate Nick Fury called the meeting in the Triskelion Ultimate HQ. Present from the Marvel U are Black Widow, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch and Storm, while the Ultimates are only represented by Hawkeye, Iron Man and Thing in his glowing purple form.
Marvel Iron Man no longer seems to be Superior, and is disgusted by Ultimate Tony Stark's drinking. And he also blames UTS for the situation they're in.
Then Spider-Man arrives complaining about U people knowing his secret id. He gets confirmation that everybody in the Ultimate U knows it. And telepath Emma Frost puts her hand up too. Spidey accidentally says "Peter Parker" during his rant, and Hulk points out that now the rest of the room knows who he is.
Scarlet Witch changes the subject - she thinks Fury is working for Dr Doom and leading them into a trap. Fury nudges them back onto the topic of what Stark did. UTS admits that Ultimate Amadeus Cho was investigating a dimensional tear for SHIELD. SHIELD wanted to close it down, but Cho persuaded Stark to let him keep it open. However before they could do anything there was an explosion of white light and the hole closed. But not before the Marvel TS came through.
Fury wants to skip the blame game and just work on getting people back to their own universe. There's disagreement over which lot are in the wrong universe. Spidey wonders if there's anywhere to return to, and Hulk suggests this might be the only universe left. But no-one seems to want to believe that.
They agree to work together, and the Marvel contingent leave the Triskelion by quinjet. But both sides believe the others don't trust them and each side plans to work alone. UTS intends to try to convince MTS to cooperate.
Ultimate Hawkeye reminds his bunch how they were worried about Doom finding out what had happened. Because a bunch of Thors, Doom's enforcers, has turned up:- Beta Ray Bill, Thor Girl, Frog Thor, the Destroyer as Thor, Groot as Thor, and a couple of generic Marvel Thors who may be more distinguishable next issue.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Asp.