Comic Browser:


The Uncanny X-Men #142

Feb 1981
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Mind Out of Time!


The Uncanny X-Men #142 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

Story continued from The X-Men #141.

In the present day, the X-Men stand against the Brotherhood of Mutants, in order to prevent them from murdering Senator Kelly, which sets into motion the terrible future Kate Pryde has come to prevent. An epic battle begins with an attack from Avalanche, and the two teams begin to pair off. Storm prevents Wolverine from killing Pyro, which would only exacerbate the country’s growing anti-mutant sentiment. Nearby, Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert are led by a guard away from the area before they are hit with a dose of nerve gas! The guard reveals herself to be Mystique and she asks Destiny what the outcome looks like, though Destiny admits that there’s an unknown factor preventing her from seeing the future clearly. That unknown factor is of course the older Kitty Pryde, inhabiting the body of her teenage self, and she thinks of all she’s endured to get here, hoping it will be enough.

In the desolate future, the remaining X-Men approach the Baxter Building, the heart of the Sentinels’ main headquarters. Wolverine, Storm, and Colossus make their way inside, using the old maintenance systems to access the elevators, while Rachel stays with the unconscious Kitty outside. Back in the present, the X-Men appear to be losing, but Kate knows she needs to keep Senator Kelly safe and rushes off to find him. Storm then generates a strong wind that knocks most of the combatants into the street outside, in order to give them more room to maneuver. Blob then knocks Colossus out onto the street, having been the only two left inside, where they continue their fight, with Colossus struggling to hurt the Blob. The army then arrives with a special weapons team, blasting Colossus with a tank designed by Shaw Industries. Pyro turns their flamethrowers against them, molding the fire into a large monster. Angel attempts to lead it away from the soldiers, but it splits int two, one following Angel, the other grabbing Wolverine, badly burning him.

Storm disperses the fire creature, and while Wolverine heals, he is approached by a seemingly concerned Nightcrawler. However, just then, another Nightcrawler attacks the other, revealing that one must be Mystique in disguise. Wolverine plans to attack the two battling Nightcrawlers, figuring the real one can just teleport out of the way, but Storm stops him. She tells him that he will listen to her, now that she’s team leader, and that he will only use his claws on other people in the direst of circumstances. Colossus and Wolverine then team up to use a girder to flip the Blob into the air, where Colossus decks him into Avalanche. Storm creates a monsoon that deals with Pyro and Nightcrawler decks his imposter, revealing her to indeed be Mystique. Nightcrawler is astounded at the visual similarities between the two of them and Mystique tells him to ask his adoptive mother, Margali Szardos, for answers. The X-Men flee from the army, who have captured the defeated Brotherhood, and Mystique escapes, before the X-Men realize that Kitty isn’t with them.

In the future, Wolverine, Storm, and Colossus arrive at the top floor of the Baxter Building. Colossus throws Wolverine at a seemingly unsuspecting Sentinel, but the Sentinel reacts quicker, turning and blasting Wolverine in mid-air, incinerating him until only his adamantium skeleton remains! The other two fight back as more Sentinels arrive, and Storm is quickly killed too. Colossus flies into a rage that would make Wolverine proud, tearing through the Sentinels, the last one left. Outside, Rachel mentally feels all that is happening, and so she feels when Colossus dies as well. She holds onto Kitty, praying that things can be changed in the past as everything feels hopeless. In the present, Kate finds Destiny about to shoot Senator Kelly and she jumps through her, spoiling her aim and ensuring he isn’t killed. Immediately, everything goes topsy-turvy for Kitty, as the older Kate returns to her time and the teenaged Kitty returns to her body. The X-Men fly home, explaining everything that happened to a confused Kitty, and Angel questions if the future really has been changed. We then get an epilogue in which Senator Kelly and Sebastian Shaw meet with the President, who introduces them to Henry Peter Gyrich, planning to build a new series of Sentinels to deal with mutants permanently, implying that the terrible future may still come to pass!


Review / Commentaries

The Uncanny X-Men #142 Review by (October 2, 2024)

Review: Part two of Days of Future Past is here, with an equally famous cover as the last one. Many newer fans would likely be surprised that Days of Future Past is only two issues, especially compared to modern stories which average five or six plus. What a two issues it is though! The action and art is top-notch, some of my favorite of the whole series. The X-Men vs. Brotherhood always make for some fantastic action scenes, with great use of powers and excellent choreography, each team countering the other perfectly, making for a great back and forth. The action in the future sections is similarly great, though much darker, with a famous sequence in which Wolverine, Storm, and Colossus all die. This kind of thing wouldn’t be that crazy or shocking in current comics, especially with the prevalence of dark X-Men futures, but seeing our aged heroes brutally killed was likely a big deal in 1981, and still makes for an intense sequence, even if you know everything turns out alright.

Storm gets to prove her mettle as the new leader, having a particularly cool exchange with Wolverine, essentially forbidding him from killing anyone, whether he likes it or not. We also get the familial connection between Nightcrawler and Mystique teased, as Nightcrawler questions their similar appearances. This starts a long-running subplot that won’t get an official answer for another 13 years (and a slight retcon a few decades after that). We also get an odd epilogue. Kitty saves the day and the future is changed, but then Henry Peter Gyrich proposes a new series of Sentinels to deal with mutants permanently, implying that the terrible future could still happen. Only…this doesn’t really go anywhere. Sentinels do show up again every now and then but are unconnected to this epilogue, implying that Claremont just shifted gears at some point idea-wise. Overall, an absolute classic with phenomenal action, an appropriately tense atmosphere, and plenty of great character moments, with set-ups for future stories; everything you could want!

Comments: Part two of Days of Future Past.

> The Uncanny X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
DIAMOND SELECT TOYS Marvel Gallery VS: Wolverine PVC Figure, Multicolor ,10 inches
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
Terry Austin (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Dominikos Ioannis Petrakis)

(Fred Dukes)

(Piotr Rasputin)
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde

(Kate Pryde)

(Raven Darkholme)

(Kurt Wagner)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(St. John Allerdyce)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Brotherhood of Mutants, Destiny (Irene Adler), Robert Kelly (Senator Kelly).