Comic Browser:


The X-Men #141

Jan 1981
Chris Claremont, John Byrne

Story Name:

Days of Future Past


The X-Men #141 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

In the distant future of 2013, an older Kitty Pryde, now named Kate Pryde, makes her way through a desolate and run-down New York. She’s on her way to a meeting with Wolverine, before she gets accosted by a group of thugs called the Rogues. Wolverine arrives and takes care of the Rogues, handing Kate a small component for a jammer they’re building, and promises to come back for her and the others at midnight. We then learn the grim details of the current state of the world. Mutants have been mostly exterminated, the few remaining made to wear inhibitor collars that nullify their powers and put into camps, watched over by Sentinels. Kate makes her way back to her camp, her excursion under the guise of official Sentinel business, passing the graves of the many dead mutants and heroes, including those of Professor Xavier, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler.

Kate reconvenes with the few remaining X-Men, including Storm and Colossus, conveying Wolverine’s plan to break them out at midnight. Also interred is an aged and wheelchair-bound Magneto, who expresses the urgency of their mission, with much particularly falling on the shoulders of a young mutant named Rachel. Kate, now wife of Colossus, reassures her husband that their plan to make sure none of this ever happens is the best hope for both humanity and mutantkind. Franklin Richards, Rachel’s lover and grown-up son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, sets up the jammer they’ve been building, nullifying the inhibitor collars. With their powers now usable, Rachel telepathically sends Kate’s consciousness back to her younger body, in hopes of preventing this terrible future.

In the present day, the still teenaged Kitty Pryde wanders into the Danger Room during one of the X-Men’s training sessions. Angel and the others do their best to keep her safe, while also focusing on the threats assaulting them. Just as it seems Kitty and Colossus may get crushed by a large pile-driver, Nightcrawler teleports into the Danger Room, de-activating the program in the nick of time. Nightcrawler apologizes for losing track of time, having watched an interview with Professor Xavier on the mutant hearings being held in Washington D.C. The time then comes for Kitty’s first Danger Room test, tasked with simply making her way across the room. Not knowing what will be thrown at her, Kitty closes her eyes and phases, walking right through all of the traps laid for her with no trouble at all! In the control room, the X-Men all have a good laugh that Kitty quite literally completed her first Danger Room trial with her eyes closed. Just as she reaches the door on the other side, Kitty suddenly collapses and Nightcrawler rushes her to the mansion’s infirmary.

At the infirmary, the sensors indicate that Kitty is unharmed but Wolverine notes that something feels off about her scent. Kitty suddenly jolts awake, overjoyed to see everyone. She explains that she’s from the future and that she’s here to prevent her awful future from coming to pass. On this day, the new Brotherhood of Mutants kill Senator Kelly, Charles Xavier, and Moira MacTaggert, causing a chain of events, leading to the extermination and internment of mutants, with the world on the brink of nuclear holocaust! Wolverine’s instincts tell him that Kate is telling the truth, and they all quickly head for Washington D.C., hoping Professor X can shed some more light on the situation. On the way, Kate provides more details about how a few years from now, as a result of Senator Kelly’s death, the Mutant Control Act will be instituted, reinstating the Sentinels. They’ll kill a majority of the United States’ mutants and countless other heroes, seizing control of the entirety of North America! The rest of the world threatens nuclear response if the Sentinels invade, prompting the possible end of the world!

Back in the future, the few remaining X-Men make their way through the sewers, heading for the Baxter Building, the heart of the Sentinels’ command center. They’re suddenly ambushed by more Sentinels and Franklin is incinerated, while the others fight back in brutal fashion! Colossus knocks a building on the remaining Sentinels, and they continue towards their goal. Back in the present, a woman named Raven Darkholme makes her way through the Pentagon, ducking into a room and revealing her true identity as Mystique, where she has assembled her new Brotherhood of Mutants, consisting of Avalanche, Pyro, Blob, and Destiny. At the United States Senate, Senator Kelly speaks on the “Mutant Menace”, discussing the potential dangers of mutants with his guests Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert. Xavier notices his students arrive and is shocked by what he finds when he scans their minds. Just then, the wall collapses, signaling the arrival of the new Brotherhood of Mutants, who are quickly intercepted by the X-Men, promising that a battle of epic proportions is about to go down! To be continued!

Story continued in Uncanny X-Men #142


Review / Commentaries

The X-Men #141 Review by (October 2, 2024)

Review: Here we have the beginning of probably the second most famous X-Men story, Days of Future Past! It’s the first and most famous of the X-Men’s bad futures, with one of the most famous covers, but it certainly won’t be the last. The X-Men just can’t seem to have a good future no matter how hard they try. The atmosphere of the desolate future is appropriately bleak and tense, with most of the X-Men dead, and the few remaining locked in camps, and the action against the Sentinels is desperate, harrowing, and intense. You truly feel like they’re fighting to survive. It should be noted that an adult Franklin Richards goes down like a chump; so much for being the most powerful mutant (though his mutantness has since been retconned). There is a fun sequence of present-day Kitty literally completing her first Danger Room test with her eyes closed, to everyone else’s amusement, for a nice bit of levity before everything hits the fan.

It's interesting that with this story, the series really starts to lean into the social and allegorical aspects of mutants, with Senator Kelly talking about the “mutant menace”, which will obviously be a much more prominent theme for the rest of the X-Men’s history. There are also a few interesting things foreshadowed by way of the future sections. First is Kitty and Colossus’ relationship, being married in the future. Her feelings for him were already pretty apparent but this future confirms that they’ll happen in some form. Second is Magneto working with the X-Men, for some early foreshadowing for his upcoming character development. Lastly, and most importantly, is Rachel’s very existence. Her parentage is not alluded to in this issue, but her very existence creates some interesting questions and time-travel headaches, as well as setting up her return much later as a regular character. Overall, a bonafide classic, perfectly setting the stage for the conclusion next issue and promising an epic battle between the X-Men and the new Brotherhood of Mutants, which is always a treat!

Comments: Part one of Days of Future Past. First appearances for Rachel Summers, Pyro, Avalanche, and Destiny, as well as Mystique’s first appearance in an X-Men comic and the formation of the new Brotherhood of Mutants. Pyro is portrayed as English here, instead of Australian, as he is moving forward.

> The X-Men comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Kotobukiya Marvel Now: Magneto Artfx+ Statue, 8 inches Black
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

John Byrne
Terry Austin
Glynis Wein
John Byrne (Cover Penciler)
Terry Austin (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.


(Warren Worthington III)

(Dominikos Ioannis Petrakis)

(Fred Dukes)

(Piotr Rasputin)
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde

(Kate Pryde)

(Raven Darkholme)

(Kurt Wagner)
Professor X
Professor X

(Charles Xavier)

(St. John Allerdyce)

(Ororo Munroe)

(James Howlett)

Plus: Brotherhood of Mutants, Destiny (Irene Adler), Robert Kelly (Senator Kelly), Sentinels.