War Machine (2008 series) #6 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
In the Navajo Nation Jason Strongbow (who as American Eagle has fought toe-to-toe with the likes of Thing, Bullseye and Ka-Zar) pays a visit to James Rhodes' heavily-armed mother. It seems Jim asked Jason to give her the protection of the autonomous tribal lands before he started out on his vigilante spree. Now War Machine is on his way here.
Jason tells her that her son is wanted for the murder of Anton Aubuisson, of soldiers in Santo Marco in #1, and of Eaglestar CEO Davis Harmon in #3. For the sake of his people Strongbow will have to turn War Machine in. Mrs Rhodes responds that for the sake of what is right James will probably have to resist, and even possibly kill Jason. She says that even as a child he always stood up for what was right, no matter what the consequences, even going to juvenile detention for defending young Glenda Sandoval.
War Machine arrives, and has incorporated parts of Strongbow's motorcycle into his armour. He's accompanied by his allies from the previous arc:- Bethany Cabe security, Parnell Jacobs hardware support, Glenda Sandoval (Mrs Jacobs) and Jake Oh medics, and Suzi Endo responsible for hi-tech stuff like the stealth equipment that got them here without Strongbow detecting them.
Jason uses his American Eagle strength and speed to fight the crew, while Mrs Rhodes shows her son the armoury she has stashed away, for him to replenish his weaponry. When Glenda brings Jake in to fix his broken nose, she explains that they have traced the source of the Ultimo virus that Eaglestar was working on in the previous issues to a nearby military base. (And that Norman Osborn has declared their research illegal, but pardoned them. I.e. taken it for his own use.)
American Eagle tries to stop War Machine leaving. He can't allow him to attack the army base, and bring HAMMER's retribution down on his tribe. He successfully fights his armoured foe, including using WM's body as a defence against his own missile.
But it turns out he's been battling Jake Oh, while Rhodey flies off to the army base in another War Machine suit.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: American Eagle (
Jason Strongbow), Bethany Cabe (
Bethany Camilla Cabe von Tilburg), Glenda Sandoval, Jake Oh, Parnell Jacobs, Roberta Rhodes, Suzi Endo.