Comic Book: Captain America and the Korvac Saga

Info, covers and comics index from Captain America and the Korvac Saga comic book.

Data Sheet:
Dec 2010 to Mar 2011

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 4

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #1
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #1
3 stars

Captain America and the Korvac Saga #1

February 2011
"Strange Days"
Script: Benjamin McCool
A couple of kids are in New York’s Central Park arguing over how often the villains win in comic books. Suddenly, rushing overhead come Spider-Man, Beast and the Scarlet Witch, pursued by a team of bad guys. The villains are the Living Laser, Quasimodo, Maelstrom, and the Super-Adaptoid. [...]
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #2
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #2
3 stars

Captain America and the Korvac Saga #2

March 2011
Script: Benjamin McCool
In a New York City jail, Captain America confronts the Guardians of the Galaxy, who announce that they are there to take Korvac with them. Cap defies them, insisting that the criminal face justice for his crimes on Earth. [...]
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #3
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #3
3 stars

Captain America and the Korvac Saga #3

April 2011
"The Traveler"
Script: Benjamin McCool
Two years ago: the cyborg villain Korvac, on the run from the Guardians of the Galaxy, comes across the Taa II, worldship of Galactus. The curious machine-man enters and jacks into the ship’s computers…and is suddenly imbued with the Power Cosmic…. [...]
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #4
Captain America and the Korvac Saga  #4
3 stars

Captain America and the Korvac Saga #4

May 2011
"The Star Lord"
Script: Benjamin McCool
Inside the Taa II, worldship of Galactus, the Cosmically Powered Korvac demands an answer to the ultimatum he put to Captain America: join him in his plan to destroy humanity, or die. Cap responds that he doesn’t deal with monsters. [...]


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