Comic Book: Thor (2007 series)

Volume 3: Exiled to Limbo for years after his defeat at Ragnarok, Thor returns to rebuild Asgard on Earth and restore the gods to life.

Data Sheet:
Sep 2007 to Jan 2009

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.



(Loki Laufeyson)
Thor #1
Thor #1

(Sep 2007)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 12

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Thor #1
5 stars

Thor #1

September 2007
"(No title given)"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Since the events of Ragnarok, Thor has been dreaming: recalling his victories and losses as both the Norse God of Thunder and as the human physician Dr. Donald Blake. [...]
Thor #2
5 stars

Thor #2

October 2007
"(No title given)"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Dr. Don Blake spends his first days in Broxton, Oklahoma, getting acquainted with his new neighbors, then he drives out to a large spacious area a few miles from town. There, he strikes his stick on the ground and is transformed into the Mighty Thor, Norse God of Thunder. [...]
Thor #3
4 stars

Thor #3

November 2007
"Everything Old is New Again"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Not knowing why he is drawn there, Thor visits New Orleans to begin his quest to restore the gods to Asgard. Viewing the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, he is accosted by a hostile survivor named Ezra who expresses his anger toward the superheroes who did nothing to stop the disaster. [...]
Thor #4
4 stars

Thor #4

December 2007
"No Borders"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Dr. Ernest Lebreaux of Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) recruits Don Blake for a humanitarian mission to Africa. In a refugee camp in an area torn by civil war, Don and other team members minister to the suffering with an act of God the only hope for a peaceful solution. [...]
Thor #5
3.5 stars

Thor #5

January 2008
"Special Delivery"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
The postman from Broxton heads out to Asgard with a delivery; first he erects a mailbox and paints the address on it (1 Asgard Rd.) then deposits the message and raises the little flag. A curious Thor comes out to find an invitation to the Broxton town meeting. [...]
Thor #6
4.5 stars

Thor #6

February 2008
"Wandering Gods"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
The townsfolk of Broxton are having a little trouble getting used to their new neighbors in Asgard: the discovery at the town meeting that the Aesir have been flinging their toilet waste over the walls and Hogun walking to Texas to hunt boars, for example. [...]
Thor #7
5 stars

Thor #7

May 2008
"Father Issues"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Thor is brought back to Asgard after his fall from the stratosphere (last issue) and he summons the metalworker Falki. [...]
Thor #8
4.5 stars

Thor #8

June 2008
"Father Issues Part Two"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
The dead Odin continues to relate his own history: the birth of his son Thor served as a constant reminder to Odin of his own treachery in abandoning his father Bor. [...]
Thor #9
4 stars

Thor #9

July 2008
"Forced Perspective"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
In Asgard, Loki (a woman since issue #4) is sowing seeds of dissatisfaction by suggesting to Balder, and then to the Warriors Three that they are not availing themselves of the freedom which Thor won for them (and questioning their manhood if they do not seek heroic glory in this new world). [...]
Thor #10
4 stars

Thor #10

September 2008
"(No title given)"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
Loki informs Balder of the truth of his parentage, relating how Odin visited the hero’s mother after a victory feast and when the boy was born he was troubled by portents. For thirteen days and nights Odin rode into the wilderness to the grave of a deceased prophetess. [...]
Thor #11
4 stars

Thor #11

November 2008
"(No title given)"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
As the gods of Asgard are bored and restless now that their home is on Earth, King Balder must organize pointless war games to keep them entertained. Meanwhile, Loki suggests that a purpose may be found for them. [...]
Thor #12
5 stars

Thor #12

January 2009
"Diversions and Misdirections"
Script: J. Michael Straczynski
In Las Vegas, an elegant and mysterious woman walks through the streets, A dude who tries to proposition her finds his hand turned to glass. The woman reaches her home and we discover she is Hela, Goddess of Death. Loki (in a woman’s body, remember? [...]
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