Comic Book: Uncanny Avengers (2012 series)

Captain America begins his quest to create a sanctioned Avengers unit comprised of Avengers and X-Men, humans and mutants working together

Data Sheet:
Dec 2012 to ..?

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.


Captain America
Captain America

(Steve Rogers)

(Alex Summers)

(Anna Marie LeBeau)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 25

Comics sorted by cover date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

Uncanny Avengers #1
Uncanny Avengers #1
3 stars

Uncanny Avengers #1

December 2012
"New Union"
Script: Rick Remender
As an unseen figure muses on the world’s growing mistrust of mutants in the wake of the coming of the Phoenix Force (see AVENGERS VS. X-MEN), he performs surgery on the mutant known as Avalanche, removing the frontal lobe of his brain and replacing it with an electronic device…. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #2
Uncanny Avengers #2
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #2

January 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
Wolverine, still brooding over Cyclops’ murder of Professor X, is at the site of the crazed Avalanche’s rampage (last issue) where the Avengers are aiding in rescue and clean-up. He speaks with Captain America and Thor about Avalanche, who had been rehabilitated—so what caused him to go berserk? [...]
Uncanny Avengers #3
Uncanny Avengers #3
3.5 stars

Uncanny Avengers #3

February 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
The newly revived clone of the Red Skull stands among a crowd in New York and uses Professor Xavier’s mind powers to force them to listen to and believe his harangue. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4
3 stars

Uncanny Avengers #4

April 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
As he lies on his back having suffered a concussion in the battle against the Red Skull and his S-Men, Havok has a vision of the fateful day when his parents sent him and his brother Scott to safety by parachute while they lost their lives in a plane crash…. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #5
Uncanny Avengers #5
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #5

May 2013
"Let the Good Times Roll"
Script: Rick Remender
In Akkaba City under the North Pole Pestilence gives birth to Archangel's children, the Apocalypse Twins Uriel and Eimin, watched by the other current Horsemen of Apocalypse and Apocalypse's son Genocide.Kang is also watching from outside time. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #6
Uncanny Avengers #6
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #6

May 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
This is a story set in Thor's past, and doesn't involve any others of the Uncanny Avengers. But Kang brings his sub-plot from last issue to the foreground.In 1013 Thor is visiting some Vikings for drinking and brawling. Basically what Hercules has tended to do. He carries the axe Jarnbjorn. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #7
Uncanny Avengers #7
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #7

June 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
After the abduction of the baby Apocalypse Twins in #5, Genocide son of Apocalypse wants to be anointed as successor to his father. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #8
Uncanny Avengers #8
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #8

July 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
The Apocalypse Twins Eimin and Uriel watch from Apocalypse's Celestial ship as Thor breaks up the Peak satellite falling on Rio de Janeiro. He destroys some of the pieces, but is faced with a dilemma - smashing the last piece with Mjolnir could still cost some lives. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #9
Uncanny Avengers #9
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #9

August 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
Wolverine dreams of his son Daken lying dead by his own hand. Angel and young Genesis (Evan Sabahnur) are with him. He wakes to find himself in the Avengers team's sick bay under the care of Wonder Man. He's recovered from the nuking of Apocalypse's followers in Akkaba City last issue. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #10
Uncanny Avengers #10
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #10

September 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
Last issue the team split over their attitudes to doing whatever is necessary, triggered by revelations of some of the extreme past actions of Wolverine's Uncanny X-Force.The bad-ass bunch Rogue, Sunfire, Thor and Wolverine have tracked down Apocalypse's ex right-hand man Ozymandias in Cairo. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #11
Uncanny Avengers #11
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #11

October 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
After being kidnapped last issue by Banshee, 1 of the 4 dead Apocalypse Horsemen, Scarlet Witch wakes up facing the Apocalypse Twins Eimin and Uriel. After allowing her to discover she can't harm them, the Twins show her Tucker Creek, Montana, and how Archangel and Genocide destroyed the towm. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #12
Uncanny Avengers #12
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #12

November 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
The issue opens with a vignette of the young Apocalypse Twins in one of Red Skull's future Mutant Internment Camps, run by Ahab. They are trying to escape through a gate that Tony Stark has apparently promised them will be open. But it isn't. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #13
Uncanny Avengers #13
3.5 stars

Uncanny Avengers #13

December 2013
"(No title given)"
Script: Rick Remender
Last issue Banshee of the resurrected 4 Horsemen tried to stop Captain America, Havok and Wasp from invading the Apocalypse Twins' base, deafening Cap in the process. Now he continues to fight Havok until Wasp flies into his throat and destroys his vocal cords, negating his sonic super-power. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #14
Uncanny Avengers #14
4.5 stars

Uncanny Avengers #14

January 2014
"The day nor the hour"
Script: Rick Remender
The issue opens with a disembodied voice talking to his daughter Katie. A symbol attached to the word balloons suggests it's Havok. He says that he and his wife are going on a potentially fatal mission. And the day that the world now celebrates was really a disaster that was their fault. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #15
Uncanny Avengers #15
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #15

February 2014
Script: Rick Remender
Captain America and Havok are preparing to fight their way through more crab-mounted Pale Riders when Havok disappears in a cloud of pink bubbles - mutants are being transported to the Ark. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #16
Uncanny Avengers #16
4.5 stars

Uncanny Avengers #16

March 2014
"Yesterday didn't exist"
Script: Rick Remender
In the year 3193 Immortus stands ready to send his Infinity Watch to help the Avengers in the present, while the world and time crumbles around them. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #17
Uncanny Avengers #17
5 stars

Uncanny Avengers #17

April 2014
Script: Rick Remender
We start with a prologue where an unidentified voice is talking to hisdaughter Katie. He tells her that he and her mother are going on adeadly-dangerous mission to put things right. (There was a similaropening to #14. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #18
Uncanny Avengers #18
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #18

May 2014
"Avenge the Earth part one"
Script: Rick Remender
In the opening page we get the disembodied voice of Havok talking to his daughter Katie again. It's a message left for her 16th birthday, but she's obviously much younger than that when we see her inside the comic. We learn that she's not a mutant. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #19
Uncanny Avengers #19
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #19

June 2014
"Avenge the Earth part two"
Script: Rick Remender
The story so far:- Eimin (and her now-dead twin Uriel) killed a Celestial with Thor's axe Jarnbjorn. In revenge the Celestials destroyed the Earth. But Eimin used Scarlet Witch (now also dead) to Rapture all mutants away to safety on Planet X. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #20
Uncanny Avengers #20
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #20

July 2014
"Avenge the Earth part three"
Script: Rick Remender
The Apocalypse Twins' plot has succeeded. The Earth has been destroyed so that their hated 'father' Kang can't rule it. Eimin the surviving Twin has saved all mutants by taking them to Planet X. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #21
Uncanny Avengers #21
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #21

August 2014
"Avenge the Earth part four"
Script: Rick Remender
Last issue Kang sent the consciousnesses of Havok, Sunfire, Thor, Wasp and Wolverine back from the future to their bodies in the present to stop the Apocalypse Twins' plan to destroy Earth and all humans while taking all mutants away to Planet X. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #22
Uncanny Avengers #22
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #22

September 2014
"Avenge the Earth conclusion"
Script: Rick Remender
Several of the Avengers Unity Squad have sent their minds back in time to occupy their current bodies, and they have stopped the Apocalypse Twins from creating a future where Earth is destroyed by a Celestial and only mutants survive to populate a new planet. [...]
Uncanny Avengers #23
Uncanny Avengers #23
4 stars

Uncanny Avengers #23

October 2014
"Let's get well"
Script: Rick Remender
It's some weeks after the Ragnarok Now/Planet X story, and Wasp has been with Scarlet Witch in a remote cabin coming to terms with the loss of her daughter Katie (conceived in an alternate future that has now been wiped from all but the memories of some of the Unity Squad). [...]
Uncanny Avengers #24
Uncanny Avengers #24
0 stars

Uncanny Avengers #24

November 2014
Uncanny Avengers #25
Uncanny Avengers #25
0 stars

Uncanny Avengers #25

December 2014


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Version 14.8.58 (Jan 24, 2025 - VS22)

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