Comic Book: War Machine (1994 series)

Info, covers and comics index from War Machine (1994 series) comic book.

Data Sheet:
Apr 1994 to Apr 1996

Characters most frequently found in this comic book:
In order of appearances.

War Machine
War Machine

(James Rhodes)
Plus: Sheva Joseph, Ranald Jeffries, Rebecca Bergier.
War Machine #1
War Machine #1

(Apr 1994)

Comics Index

Indexed Comics: 25

Comics sorted by date. Oldest shown first. Up to 25 comics per page. Page navigator at the bottom of the page.

War Machine #1
4 stars

War Machine #1

April 1994
"Something to believe in"
Script: Scott Benson
The première issue opens with a daydream - James Rhodes imagining War Machine taking down all the Marvel costumed baddies and getting public adulation (and several girls in bikinis). [...]
War Machine #2
4 stars

War Machine #2

May 1994
"Between Deathlok and a hard case"
Script: Scott Benson
War Machine has come to Imaya to rescue Vincent Cetewayo from the clutches of President Eda Arul. Cable has come to stop him from causing an international incident which will derail a future peaceful outcome (he's from the future so he knows). [...]
War Machine #3
4 stars

War Machine #3

June 1994
"Contents under pressure"
Script: Scott Benson
War Machine and Deathlok have come separately to Imaya in Africa to rescue Vincent Cetewayo who's been captured by dictator Eda Arul. But Cetewayo has vanished and our pair are about to be arrested by a S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Major Sheva Joseph. [...]
War Machine #4
4 stars

War Machine #4

July 1994
"Right here, right now"
Script: Scott Benson
Imayan rebels led by Cimbuka are beating the forces of dictator Eda Arul, but it is War Machine (still sporting strapped on weapons and bandoleers of bullets) who leads the charge. And the world watches it on the news, including:-Nick Fury who told James Rhodes not to interfere and then sent S.H.I. [...]
War Machine #5
4 stars

War Machine #5

August 1994
"The wages of death"
Script: Scott Benson
The assassin Deathtoll (Saint Van Sant) is killing some Yakuza in Japan. He gets shot by multiple bullets, falls and bursts into flames. But then he stands up, flames off and kills the rest of the Yakuza. And leaves singing. [...]
War Machine #6
4 stars

War Machine #6

September 1994
"Instant karma's gonna get you"
Script: Scott Benson
James Rhodes and Sheva Joseph are boarding a private plane for the South American country Corteña to investigate a mass grave for Worldwatch. Rhodey is targeted by assassin Deathtoll who has been hired by shadowy businessman Leviticus to stop the investigation. [...]
War Machine #7
4 stars

War Machine #7

October 1994
"Cold war"
Script: Scott Benson
This issue starts near the end of the story with War Machine defeated by the Cold Warrior in the Arctic. Ex-Soviet Major Konstantin Cheratny, cryogenics expert Dr Giorgi Grotowski and tech-genius Mack Mendelson watch it from the otherwise-deserted People's Research Station 27. [...]
War Machine #8
4 stars

War Machine #8

November 1994
"Friendly Fire"
Script: Scott Benson
Story continues from IRON MAN #309. [...]
War Machine #9
4 stars

War Machine #9

December 1994
"Once Upon a Time in China"
Script: Scott Benson
Story continues from FORCE WORKS #6.War Machine and Century, apparently disintegrated by the Mandarin (at the end of FORCE WORKS #6) instead find themselves in a rural area of China. [...]
War Machine #10
4 stars

War Machine #10

January 1995
"The Last Emperor"
Script: Scott Benson
Story continues from FORCE WORKS #7.Force Works (Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, U.S. Agent) and the rescued Tony Stark have escaped the Mandarin's fortress only to see an army on horseback heading toward them. Then they see War Machine, Century, and Dr Su Yin in the lead. [...]
War Machine #11
4 stars

War Machine #11

February 1995
"Friendly fire"
Script: Scott Benson
James Rhodes is back home from the Hands Of The Mandarin crossover in #9-10 with Iron Man and Force Works, and spending time with his lover Rae LaCoste. [...]
War Machine #12
4 stars

War Machine #12

March 1995
"Streets of Philadelphia"
Script: Dan Abnett
A guy referred to as Loco shows a hologram simulation of Quarry, the latest armour he has designed, to Aaron and Carson. Apparently it is to be used by someone who has agreed to be hunted by them. Carson is enthusiastic about the sport this new armour will provide, Aaron less so. [...]
War Machine #13
4 stars

War Machine #13

April 1995
"Natural born killers"
Script: Dan Abnett
It's New Year's Eve in Philadelphia and War Machine is celebrating by fighting a trio of armoured foes:- Gunship, Locomotive Breath and Sanction. They are the Rush Club who get their kicks hunting people who they've paid to be their quarry. [...]
War Machine #14
4 stars

War Machine #14

May 1995
"Human rites"
Script: Dan Abnett
Last issue War Machine fought the armoured Rush Club (Gunship, Locomotive Breath and Sanction) in Baltimore which ended with his suit disabled by an EMP weapon. Since then he's been unconscious for a long time.James Rhodes wakes to find himself still in the armour but chained up in an ancient tower. [...]
War Machine #15
4 stars

War Machine #15

June 1995
Script: Dan Abnett
A bunch of SHIELD troop carriers and air-cavalry are over Santiago, Chile accompanied by War Machine. Codename Crosspatch (Nick Fury) coordinates with codename Tin-Top (WM), WM and the air-cav strafe the target, the Forbidden Zone, to soften it up before Fury and the troops land. [...]
War Machine #16
4 stars

War Machine #16

July 1995
"Zietkrieg triumphant"
Script: Dan Abnett
War Machine has been sent by Nick Fury back in time to Berlin in 1943 to rescue Sheva Joseph and stop present-day weaponry from being used to win WWII for the Axis. [...]
War Machine #17
4 stars

War Machine #17

August 1995
"... a time to keep, and a time to cast away"
Script: Dan Abnett
War Machine has been sent back to 1943 Germany to stop the Nazis from winning WWII with weapons from his present. He and 1943-Captain America have gone to Meinz to capture Commandant Grinz who's scheme the Zeitkrieg/Time War was. [...]
War Machine #18
4 stars

War Machine #18

September 1995
"Long weekend"
Script: Dan Abnett
This prelude to the Crossing continues from IRON MAN #319.James Rhodes goes to Matlin Lake for a fishing vacation, which is strange because he's never fished before. He finds the place full of CIA agents, and other agencies. [...]
War Machine #19
4 stars

War Machine #19

October 1995
"Here be dragons"
Script: Dan Abnett
This prelude to the Crossing continues from #18.Jim Rhodes faces an alien monster in the alien suit of armour he found last issue. At his merest thought the suit launches 4 attack drones. He also automatically knows how to fly, and activate the armour's senses. [...]
War Machine #20
3 stars

War Machine #20

November 1995
"A Little Muscle"
Script: Dan Abnett
This part of the Crossing crossover continues from FORCE WORKS #17.James Rhodes and Skye have driven from Canada to L.A. after the adventure in the last 2 issues where Rhodey obtained his new armour, the Eidolon Warwear. [...]
War Machine #21
3 stars

War Machine #21

December 1995
"Brothers in Arms"
Script: Dan Abnett
This part of the Crossing crossover continues from FORCE WORKS #18.War Machine is hiding out in an abandoned airstrip with Black Widow, Hawkeye and U.S.Agent. He and Black Widow can't believe Hawkeye is a murderer. [...]
War Machine #22
3 stars

War Machine #22

January 1996
"The Last Stand"
Script: Dan Abnett
This part of the Crossing crossover continues from FORCE WORKS #19.This is a big battle issue. War Machine squares off against Iron Man. Century returns from taking Rachel Carpenter to safety, to find Amanda Chaney dead in Stark's secret sub-basement of Force Works HQ. He fights Cybermancer. [...]
War Machine #23
3 stars

War Machine #23

February 1996
"Wish Upon a Star"
Script: Dan Abnett
This leg of the Crossing crossover continues from FORCE WORKS #20.War Machine flies up to the Starcore satellite that Stark built to secretly house Kang's chronographic weapon.Stark built the satellite in Iron Man #319. [...]
War Machine #24
4 stars

War Machine #24

March 1996
"Time will tell"
Script: Dan Abnett
James Rhodes has rushed to the SHIELD hospital bedside of Sheva Joseph as soon as he heard she was dying. She's under the care of SHIELD Agent Kirby Martell. She started experiencing timeslips in #19 and these left her dying of old age in #21. [...]
War Machine #25
4 stars

War Machine #25

April 1996
"The kiss off"
Script: Dan Abnett
Last issue Sheva Joseph died in the SHIELD hospital. Her corpse is only just starting to cool when SHIELD Agent Groom and others in Mandroid armour try to take James Rhodes into custody so SHIELD can study the alien Warwear that shares his body. [...]
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