December 1943, the Invaders (Captain America and Bucky, Sub-Mariner, Human Torch and Toro, Spitfire, Union Jack) are backed by the U.S. Army on an assault on Monte Cassino to stop a Nazi scheme known as Operation: Time Ghost. Private Paul Anselm is paralyzed by shock when the comrades on either side of him are killed. Union Jack takes several bullets to the chest as his sister Spitfire stays behind to minister to him as they other advance. A green mist suddenly envelops them and….
In modern New York, Spider-Man is on the run from the Thunderbolts, dispatched to take him into custody for violation of the Superhuman Registration Act. As the hero banters and dodges his enemies, an old man—unimpressed with today’s heroes—is stunned to see the arrival of heroes from his day: the Invaders are on the scene. Hearing a German accent from the Swordsman (Andreas von Strucker), Cap leaps to the conclusion that these costumed characters are Nazis and the veteran heroes take them on. Making short work of the modern villains, they rush off to learn where they are. Spider-Man is stunned to see the late Captain America alive again and heads off to tell his teammates. Meanwhile, not far away, a lost soul learns from a newspaper that he is in 2008: young Private Paul Anselm.
At SHIELD Headquarters, Director Tony Stark is reviewing film of the confrontation and is shocked to recognize his late comrade Steve Rogers….