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Avengers Academy #17

on-sale: Aug 1, 2011
Christos N. Gage | Tom Raney

Avengers Academy #17 cover

Story Name:

Battle Scars


Avengers Academy #17 synopsis by Peter Silvestro
Rating: 4 stars

At the battle in Washington, D.C., the students of Avengers Academy (Mettle, Finesse, Reptil, Veil, Striker, Hazmat) have learned to work together to take down a Nazi war machine. They each employ their special power to damage the machine with Veil entering in gas form to attack the operators directly; as Striker levitates the machine into the air to drop it, Veil refuses to grant the Nazis any mercy. Once on the ground, though, she reveals that she used knockout gas instead of poison. The Falcon lands to tell them that the battle is over and they acquitted themselves well. The students ask about the rumor that something has happened to Captain America. Falcon starts to give a general answer, then decides they are adult enough for the truth, telling them that Captain America is dead. Tigra arrives, saying she is proud of them for accomplishing the mission without a single casualty…though Veil and Mettle glance at the row of dead bodies lined up….

Back at Infinite Avengers Mansion, Jennifer (Hazmat) and Ken (Mettle) are hanging out in her room, amazed that they have now done real superhero stuff but killing the Nazi is still weighing on Ken’s mind. She doesn’t think she killed anyone that day and repeats Tigra’s assurance that Ken acted the hero, saving lives. Ken goes to the workout room….

Hazmat goes to Maddy’s (Veil’s) room to ask her to talk to Ken as Jenny doesn’t know what Ken is going through but Maddy does. Uncertain of this, Maddy heads to the workout room where she talks to Ken, revealing that she killed someone too. She mentions having written an essay about the strongest predictor of whether soldiers will experience PTSD is whether they had killed someone. Ken doesn’t want to talk about it but neither does Maddy so they talk about surfing, a sport Ken engaged in but the Middle-American Maddy never has….

In Underspace, Absorbing Man, possessed by Greithoth, Breaker of Wills, and Titania by Skirn, Breaker of Men, smash their way into the Infinite Mansion….

Jeanne (Finesse) and Humberto (Reptil) are relaxing after the battle, Humberto in dinosaur form, figuring he’d heal faster. He asks her if she had ever seen anyone dead before and she says yes but not so many and she doesn’t know how she feels. Brandon (Striker) enters, and he is asked how he feels about killing. Citing the Korvac incident, he says they should never have been placed in that situation but today? Killing Nazis doesn’t bother him. And then Crusher Creel’s hammer smashes through the wall. Reptil turns into a Tyrannosaurus Rex to stall Creel while the other kids run. Then Creel tries to smash the T-Rex, it vanishes, Reptil having turned into a dragonfly. Finesse and Striker try to escape through the door to Avengers HQ but there is nothing outside. The villains corner all of the kids, Titania raises her hammer and there is a terrific explosion….

Good (or All)

> Avengers Academy comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Tom Raney
Andrew Hennessy
Jeromy Cox
Billy Tan (Cover Penciler)
Billy Tan (Cover Inker)
Leonardo Olea (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Caramagna.

Review / Commentaries

Avengers Academy #17 Review by (November 6, 2024)

Review: Another nice sandwich of an issue with the kids’ concerns about killing placed between the kids’ taking down a Nazi war machine and the kids fleeing from the two big baddies. And the first bit, featuring the kids working together as a team is the best part, climaxing with the revelation that Veil hasn’t killed anyone. The center section feels like the kids don’t want to talk about killing because the writer doesn’t want to address the subject since the subject was covered in the previous issue by Tigra. And the apocalyptic attacks by the villains at the end is mainly a “Ye cats!” shock moment to keep us coming back for the next issue.

Comments: Issue bannered FEAR ITSELF, as a tie-in to that event. Part three of six parts. Story takes place between FEAR ITSELF #3, where Bucky Cap is (apparently) killed, and 4. The students fought Korvac in issues #11-12.


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