Having been directed to the planet Mer-Z-Bow by King Loki, Bucky Barnes is being briefed on the planet by Daisy Johnson. Ventolin Xtal is the ruler of the telepathic Pao-Ree and she wants to abolish the monarchy which, according to Nick Fury, would destabilize the region—so she must die. They land on the planet and are greeted by guards ensuring they come in peace. Bucky wants a date with the Queen so they arrange it. Meanwhile, a much older Bucky is watching from 30 miles away….
Bucky is ushered into the presence of Ventolin where they each reveal they have had a dream about the other. Wherein they met and kissed…..
87 miles away, guards investigating a mysterious spaceship are the victims of a perception bomb. Then an invader quickly cuts them all to pieces with a knife. It is Crossbones….
Ventolin takes Bucky on a tour of this world’s flora. They are delighting in one another’s company. Then she mentions that in her dream, after he kissed her, then he killed her. Bucky promises he won’t….