France: 1944: A Nazi doctor is trying
to escape with a sample of Dr Erskine's Super-Soldier formula;
Captain America battles Warrior Woman while Bucky pursues and
captures the doc.
This turns out to be a tale told by historian
Jackson Rogers (a descendant of Steve Rogers) to his critically ill
son Steve in the distant future. In this world, Cap's democratic
ideals have transformed the planet: disease has been eradicated by
use of a modified version of the Super-Soldier Serum, the nations
(and planets) are at peace, especially with the Kree, and there are
flying cars, of course.

But for some reason, Steve is dying, the
Serum having no effect on him. Frustrated with the lack of progress
by doctors, he heads to the White House to speak to the President.
Jack asks President Robbins to declassify the records on the
formula's development as there might be an unexplored avenue. But
General Pursur, who supervises the formula program, rejects his
appeal and he controls the President in this matter....

1968: At the request of Nick Fury,
Steve Rogers went undercover as a roadie for Rick Jones' rock band to
discover how drugs are being smuggled. Cap not only finds drugs in
the drum set but sees the mastermind behind it: Dr Faustus. Faustus
uses a special mind-altering gun to erase the memories of his roadie
accomplices but then discovers that the third roadie is Captain
Back in the distant future, at night, Jack Rogers sneaks into the
White House and searches General Pursur's office: he uncovers
Operation Starmarch. The Serum is being used to turn its recipients
into sleeper agents, soon to become mindless soldiers for the Kree
Empire. The General's AI detects the intrusion and alerts the guards.
Jack flees the building as General Pursur alerts the peacekeepers
that he is a terrorist....