The new Scourge of the Underworld is working out on a heavy bag to channel his anger and disappointment over how his mission has been going. His handler—former government agent Henry Peter Gyrich—encourages him to carry on….
Meanwhile, Captain America races through the halls of a hospital to the side of Diamondback, who has been critically injured in her battle with Scourge. The doctor is unable to give a definite prognosis and is honest about her slim chances. Dum Dum Dugan reassures Cap that she will be okay and the two of them head out to hunt down some Hydra agents. Sharon Carter tells them that the mole in the organization (unmasked and committed suicide last ish) has been to a certain train tunnel, according to his GPS. Cap and Dugan enter the Hydra Base they are convinced is there and find a trap; fighting their way through the nameless hordes they reach the video room—as they know they were intended to. They are shown film of Henry Gyrich being brainwashed into serving Hydra and realize that he is the one running the new Scourge…but who is Scourge?
At a park in the shadow of the Washington Monument, Gyrich turns over to a news reporter the details on the supervillain witness protection program…
Back in Manhattan, the criminal known as the Rattler is assaulted by Scourge. He fights back with his sonic powers and the two masked malefactors engage in savage hand-to-hand combat. Scourge gains the advantage and beats Rattler to a pulp before snapping his neck. He then unmasks as Dennis Dunphy, the Demolition Man, and Cap’s former friend….