Story #2Chapter Four
Fred Van Lente. Penciler/Inker:
Javi Fernandez. Colorist:
Veronica Gandini.
July 1934: having purged the Nazi Party of the SA, the SS seized control of one of their weapons labs.
Johann Schmidt entered and found
Arnim Zola, a scientist working on a mechanical suit. Schmidt enlisted him to work on a means of enhancing the human body itself…. In the present,
Captain America is under attack by a
Hydra lightning tank, he risks his life to save his enemy from death. The
Red Skull scolds him for showing altruism and preventing nature from weeding out the unfit. Cap then takes the brunt of the next electrical blast…. In September 1935,
Professor Abraham Erskine was on a train with his wife and children when the train was stopped by Nazis searching fro him. He surrendered to prevent harm to the others and was taken to see Johann Schmidt. The sinister officer forces Erskine to join his project to create a true master race by threatening his family…. A voice in his head exhorts the injured Cap to get up and fight back, the voice being inventor
Howard Stark on the other end of a small communicator. Cap readies himself to follow Stark’s instructions on beating the tank….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Howard Stark, Professor Erskine (