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Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #2: Review

Jul 2011
Brandon Montclare, ?

Story Name:

Stranger Bedfellows


Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #2 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

The mutated versions of the Fearsome Four (She-Hulk, Nighthawk, Howard the Duck, Frankenstein Monster) fight frantically among themselves but when Man-Thing departs, they slowly return to their own selves. Frank tries to depart and when the others confront him, he confesses he was only the pawn of a more powerful being, captured and brainwashed and sent to find Man-Thing. And then they come upon Frank’s mysterious master, Psycho-Man, in combat with Man-Thing. The villain explains that his scheme is to collect the fear energies now saturating Earth and use it to build a doomsday weapon to conquer other worlds. He overcomes the Fearsome Four but Man-Thing attacks him from behind, allowing the heroes to recover and join in the battle (after Howard explains to Nighthawk that Psycho-Man is the real bad guy). Man-Thing’s eyes glow red and then dropping from the sky comes the new Fantastic Four—alternate world versions of Spider--Man, Gray Hulk, Wolverine, and Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)….


Review / Commentaries

4 stars

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #2 Review by (August 13, 2024)

Review: See issue #1 for full review.

Comments: Cover is a tribute to FANTASTIC FOUR #1. “Strange bedfellows” refers to any unlikely pairing or team, usually in politics. First appearance of the new Fantastic Four (Spider-Man, Wolverine, Gray Hulk, Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)); their world is designated Earth-11099. Art by Simon Bisley, Ryan Bodemheim, Ray-Anthony Height, and Don Ho. Colors by Simon Bisley and Tony Avina.

> Fear Itself: Fearsome Four comic book info and issue index


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Holy smokes, Batman!
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Michael Kaluta (Cover Penciler)
Michael Kaluta (Cover Inker)
Michael Kaluta (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Nate Piekos.


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