The Hulk emerges on the New York City waterfront, having swum half the Atlantic. He falls asleep in a warehouse and shifts back into Bruce Banner form.
Meanwhile, at a nearby power station, some anarchists attack, causing ruptures, and releasing a fusion of energies which forms itself into Zzzax, an electrical being that absorbs energy, made of electrical energy.
On the upper West side, ex-Avenger Hawkeye sees what is happening on TV and swings out his window to the rescue. Banner awakens from a nightmare, finding himself in another one! He is discovered and zapped by Zzzax, who sets about to “feazzt!” on Banner’s energy.
While in Russia, Colonel John Armbruster and Major Glenn Talbot mount a rescue mission for General Thunderbolt Ross.
In New York, Hawkeye attacks Zzzax in the nick of time, giving Banner the chance to shift back into Hulk state. They battle pulping chunks of the Big Apple.
Back in Russia, the rescue mission is a success and Ross escapes.
Meanwhile, in New York, the Hulk and Zzzax battle. Hawkeye tries to get involved, but it’s clear he is out of his league. Zzzax grabs him and throws him into the New York harbour. This gives Hawkeye an idea which helps him short Zzzax out and saves the day. However, when he gets out of the water, he discovers Hulk got all the credit.
In Russia, Talbot gets shot during the escape. His team leaves him for dead, but it is later revealed that he is still alive.