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Invincible Iron Man #89: Review

Dec 2004
Mark Ricketts, Scot Eaton

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Story Name:

The Singularity part 4


Invincible Iron Man #89 Synopsis by Julio Molina-Muscara
The man operating the Iron Man is Clarence Ward, the criminal industrialist humbled by Tony Stark in Irak months ago. Tony is able to defeat him right before Pepper Potts at Stark's War Room activates a failsafe which shuts the Iron Man armors down. 

After Tony heads out, the U.S. Army Commander on the field shots Ward fatally. A week later, Tony goes to Japan to attend Rumiko's funeral, mourning the passing of his great love. 

Back in the States, Tony resigns as U.S. Secretary of Defense. He makes the world believe that someone else is to wear the Iron Man armor from now on (but it's a trick, he will still do). And he's cheered by employees when he enters the Stark Enterprises office building returning to his industrialist life.

Epilogue: The Mandarin's son has Ward's weaponry, and prepares his attack on Stark.


Review / Commentaries

3 stars

Invincible Iron Man #89 Review by (June 19, 2021)
Comments: Issue bannered “Iron Man Disassembled” on cover; tie-in to “Avengers Disassembled” event. Part four of four parts. Story arc takes place after the events of AVENGERS #500-503, minus the epilogues in issue #89.

Review: So, Iron Man, in a hack plot so old Mad Magazine (then a comic book) made fun of it in 1952, fights a bad guy impersonating him. And then Tony won’t kill him so someone else does. And Tony quits as Iron Man again. And surprise of surprises! The Mandarin is behind it. Looks like Iron Man has been disassembled and the familiar pieces put back together in the same old places. And Happy Hogan comes off as so completely stupid, it seems to be wearing off on Pepper who now says things like “gonna.” And by explaining everything to Stupid Happy, Pepper is implicitly calling the readers stupid too. And we already know what a fail-safe is. Now I feel the urge to hunt down and punch this writer in the face, which wouldn’t be nice but it would be satisfying.

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Scot Eaton
Scot Eaton
J. D. Mettler
Pat Lee (Cover Penciler)
Pat Lee (Cover Inker)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Randy Gentile.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Iron Man
Iron Man

(Tony Stark)
Pepper Potts
Pepper Potts

(Pepper Hogan)

Plus: Rumiko Fujikawa.