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Red Skull #3: Review

Sep 2015
?, ?

Story Name:

Part Three: Freedom

Review & Comments

3.5 stars

Red Skull #3 Review by (October 9, 2016)
Comments: SECRET WARS (3) tie-in: BATTLEWORLD banner on cover.

Review: See full review with issue #1.


Synopsis / Summary / Plot

Red Skull #3 Synopsis by Peter Silvestro

Magneto and the Red Skull lead the insectoid hordes of Annihilus toward the Shield, guarded by troops under the leadership of Commander Abigail Brand. The defenders unleash the Sentinels. Magneto takes action—and discovers his powers do not work on the giant robots—they are not metal. He tries to destroy the Shield but likewise, it is not metal either. He is blasted by a Sentinel and the defenders drive the insectoids back to New Xandar.

Magneto, his face burned red by his wounds, rises from the wreckage, seeking out the Red Skull who lied to him. He locates the Skull fighting off zombies and confronts him. The Red Skull snaps the power-dampening collar back on Mags and explains that Mags and the insectoids were merely a distraction, to enhance the legend around the Red Skull when he alone emerges from the wilderness on his path of conquest. The Skull then tosses Magneto to the zombies who tear him apart....

The Red Skull proceeds through the gate, dreaming his dreams of conquest—and he is shot by Crossbones, who plans to take his head back to Doom and gain his freedom....



Listed in Alphabetical Order.

> Red Skull: Book info and issue index

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