The Secret Warriors rob a bank in Switzerland:-
Sebastian Druid is on the roof trying to remember which wire to cut to disable the security system while Hellfire (J T James) walks in and tells a cashier it's a hold-up. Then Eden Fesi, Quake (Daisy Johnson) and Stonewall (Jerry Sledge) burst in and tell everyone to lie on the ground. Quake takes care of a couple of security guards and give the OK for Nick Fury to follow them in.
Druid cut the wrong wire so they don't have long before the police arrive. Stonewall rips the vault door off. Eden will create a large portal so they can move money quickly to their base. Meanwhile Fury finds the bank president and staples a note to his forehead telling Baron Strucker of Hydra that he's taken 1.2 billion dollars off him.
Strucker contacts Norman Osborn and asks him as a favour to arrange for Fury to be killed (claiming he's too busy to do it himself). Osborn complains about #5-6 where Hydra raided a HAMMER base and stole 3 helicarriers. (Actually it was Fury's side that took the carriers with help from Dum-Dum Dugan's mercenary Howling Commandos.) He tells Strucker that he killed his children Andrea and Andreas (the 2nd personally in Secret Invasion: Dark Reign). The Baron just thanks him and says that's 2 favours he'll owe Norman.
Osborn calls in Ares (of the Dark Avengers) and Ghost and Scourge (Nuke) (of the Thunderbolts) and gives them the job.
NO will continue his plan in Thunderbolts #134, taking Ghost and Scourge with him.
At Inside Straight (NF's secret base #22) the team, including Ares' young son Phobos (Alexander Aaron), are miffed that Fury is going to send all the money to Dum-Dum Dugan to finance the Commandos. He relents and lets them each have $20 for a night out. But then precognitive Phobos warns Nick that something he expected is about to happen soon, and Fury tells Daisy to keep everyone on base - he's going away.
Later Alex tells J T he shouldn't have stolen some of Fury's money. But Hellfire's reply is cut short by an incoming private message for absent Nick. It turns out Phobos knows everybody's passwords, so they can access the message. It's from Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) saying her cover is compromised, she's on the run and requests extraction from her hiding place. Alex has a plan.
BW sent the message in Thunderbolts #135 where she's on the run from the Tbolts with Songbird.
2 hours later Fury is in Toronto. He knows the password sequence to get him into a secret base where he rousts out cyborg ex-SHIELD Agent John Garrett.
4 hours later Widow is in Homerun (Fury secret base #20 in New York) with Songbird. They think they're safe here but Nick arrives and tells them they were followed there. (Next issue we'll learn Phobos' secret plan - this NF is an Life Model Decoy with Alex inside it. Hellfire and Phobos found Fury's stash of LMDs in #4.) The door blows in as the Thunderbolts (Scourge leading Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady), Ghost, Headsman, Mr X and Paladin) come knocking.
That particular scene is duplicated in Thunderbolts #135, and the action will continue there.