Bruce Banner is discovered by Loki, the Norse God of Mischief who changes him back into the Hulk and transports him to Asgard, hoping that the rampaging giant will distract Odin from Thor's plight.
Hulk defeats Heimdall, guardian of the Rainbow Bridge and is confronted by the great Warriors Three: Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg. Hulk easily stops their attack and refuses to fight anymore. Fandral realizes that Hulk is under some sort of spell, so they ask the Asgard army to avoid assailing him.
Loki tries to provoke a battle, but the Warriors Three do not rise to the bait. Fandral invites the Hulk to cross the Bottomless Chasm with them to seek the wisdom of Oldar the Oracle. As he leaps the Chasm, a vengeful Loki transforms Hulk into Bruce Banner. and our hero plunges into the abyss!