Story #2The Power of the Plunderer!
Roy Thomas.Penciler:
Bill Everett. Inker:
Vince Colletta. Colorist:
Unknown. Letterer:
Art Simek.
Returning from their adventure with Dragorr, Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, and Lady Dorma encounter a domed underwater city. Resentful of the surface-dwellers who would encroach on his territory, Namor approaches some construction workers, demanding to speak to their master. One points a harpoon gun at Namor, who clobbers them all then plans to return to Atlantis and gather his army. The city’s builder, Dr. Walter Newell, arrives in an underwater saucer and asks to speak with Namor; Dorma begs him to agree. Namor enters the saucer through its Ultra-Polystyrone wall which permits people to pass through it and reseal itself. Newell explains to Namor that the city is to collect food and minerals for the surface world and proposes a trading partnership. Namor orders them to be gone in no uncertain terms…
…then the submarine of the Plunderer attacks the city, demanding their surrender. Newell challenges them, hoping to buy time for his people to defend themselves. The Plunderer fires a force ray at the saucer which ricochets and cracks the city’s dome, admitting water. Dorma begs Namor to help evacuate the city but he remains aloof. When Plunderer begins attacking the refugees’ craft, he relents and assaults the villain’s ship. Plunderer throws a switch that admits Namor and a fight ensues. Plunderer points out on a viewscreen that Dorma is in danger, distracting Namor so that the baddie can blast him with his Vibra-Gun. Walt Newell spots Dorma in trouble and goes to her rescue. Plunderer ejects Namor from his ship. As the sub starts seizing loot from the city, Namor forcibly takes Dorma from Newell. A ship contacted by Dr. Newell arrives to rescue the refugees while Namor vows vengeance against the Plunderer….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Stingray (
Walter Newell).