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Ultimates #2

Dec 2015
Al Ewing, Kenneth Rocafort

Story Name:



Ultimates #2 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4.5 stars
Blue Marvel (Adam Bashear) and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) have confronted Galactus in his worldship Taa II and told him they're here to solve his problem. Meanwhile America Chavez and Spectrum (Monica Rambeau) have gone to the planet Moroder-9 in the Archeonos system looking for an object called the Incubator. They found it occupied by a giant head which used it to control the population of the planet. They destroyed its attack drones.

Now Black Panther prepares to use a translocation system to join the Marvel duo. His Dora Milaje (Aneka and Ayo) advise their King against such a risky move, but he says the fate of worlds and thus Wakanda depends on it. And so he goes through Higher Space to reach his target. But there he has a vision of his father (T'Chaka) declaring he was no longer his son, and he replies that he can't be like *him*.

He focuses instead on his destination and witnesses a vision of Galactus' deep past. Sciencemaster Galan and his fellow Scienceers of the galactic utopia Taa in their spacecraft are the last surviving beings in the 6th Infinity. They intend to discover what lies outside space & time by entering the Ultraflow and breaking through to Neutra-Space. But they get caught in a mega-cosmic ray storm, and as the sleet of particles kills them Galan hears the voice of the universe telling him life must survive - he must survive.

Panther sees that universe die in an explosion that births the next 1. And as the new universe cools the thing inside the science-ship remoulds the wreckage into a giant Incubator. Civilisations have arisen and learned to make war in space. Fearing this strange object they gang up to try and destroy it but their weapons have no effect. Then Galan emerges as Galactus and sates his hunger by consuming their fleets. And then he eats his 1st nearby planet Archeopia.

Then the current Galactus notices T'Challa terminating his translocation inside Big G's worldship, and congratulates him on surviving such a trip without total conceptual collapse. But he tells him to go back and take the 2 Marvels with him. He didn't accept their suggestion that he was a problem to be solved. BP says he knows how Galactus emerged from an incubating chamber, but he asks if he knows what happened to the Incubator.

On Moroder-9 Spectrum has finished zapping all the drones and America Chavez has attacked the giant head directly. Which turns out to be only an astral projection from a small alien inside the Incubator. Chavez disconnects the warlord from the machine, ending his worldwide surveillance and telepathic commands. The duo agree to come back and help the population later but now they have a delivery to make.

On Taa II Galactus is still playing the the arrogant god card, but T'Challa continues to explain how the Incubator drifted away from the wreck of Archeopia and landed on Moroder-9 for whoever found it to misuse its power. However Panther finds it significant that Big G didn't consume it in his great hunger. Galactus has now progressed from impatient to angry. But then a huge 1 of America's star-shaped portals forms and the Incubator comes through. G dismisses it as a relic from the past while another portal frees Blue M and Captain M from imprisonment. All 5 of the Ultimates open fire on Galactus and force him back into the Incubator which snaps shut on him.

BP hopes they are right about what will happen. He activates the advanced Kimoyo operating system (as used in the 1998 BP series) which he uses to communicate with the Incubator and learns that it's already started the rebirth of Galactus The Devourer. But they have to stop him from breaking out before it happens. The solution is to make the process much faster, and Adam throws his sample of ISO-8 (mentioned last issue) to Monica and she turns into her light form. Carol feeds her a lot of energy and Spectrum takes the ISO-8 into the Incubator. That source of inconceivable energy enables the Incubator to complete its task in seconds. And something emerges form the Incubator.

And then we see the dead planet Archeopia bringing forth new life, courtesy of a new golden Galactus who will be known as the Lifebringer.


Review / Commentaries

Ultimates #2 Review by (October 12, 2024)
Galan's Ultraflow is probably the same as the Superflow invented by Warren Ellis in the newuniversal series and introduced into the 616 universe in 2013 Avengers and New Avengers series. Black Panther's Higher Space here is probably the same.
Galan's Neutra-Space is probably the same as the Exo-Space/Neutral Zone mentioned in the Ultimates intro in the recent Avengers #0, which Blue Marvel has had a lot of involvement with.
Galan's 6th Infinity is the 6th multiverse/cosmos from which Galactus came into the 7th Cosmos, which as theorised by BM last issue has been replaced by the current 8th Cosmos as of Secret Wars.

The origin of Galactus has been told many times, each time being changed/expanded.
Originally in Thor #169 Galan wasn't the survivor of the previous universe but the last of a dying race on a very early planet (Taa) in this universe who chose to die in their sun and was reborn as Galactus. This introduced the Incubator and Archeopia.
A modified reprint in the Super-Villain Classics 1-shot changed Galan to be the last survivor of the previous universe who dove into its Big Crunch. And he bonded with the sentience of his universe.
Various reasons have been given for the ending of that cosmos.

I don't think it's clear here that Lifebringer is the form that Galactus should have been to start with (bringing life from the previous universe). But next issue Blue Marvel will tell us that's what he believes.

Black Panther will be dealing with trouble in Wakanda in BP(2016)#1-8, most of the A Nation Under Our Feet story arc.
Then the Ultimates will get back together for #6-8 of Al Ewing's other current series Contest Of Champions.

> Ultimates comic book info and issue index


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Kenneth Rocafort
Kenneth Rocafort
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Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Penciler)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Inker)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Sabino.
Editor: Wil Moss. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Black Panther
Black Panther

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Ms. America
Ms. America

(America Chavez)

Plus: Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear), Spectrum (Monica Rambeau), Ultimates.