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Ultimates #3

Jan 2016
Al Ewing, Kenneth Rocafort

Story Name:



Ultimates #3 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4.5 stars
Last issue the Ultimates caused Galactus the Devourer to be reborn as the Lifebringer. And his 1st act was to bring life back to Archeopia, the 1st planet that he drained life from.

Now the Shi'ar Imperial Guard have come to investigate in the form of Mentor, Oracle and Smasher. Mentor's scans show flora and fauna that weren't there days ago. Smasher's penta-vision can't detect anyone around to have caused it. So Oracle expands her over-consciousness to unlock total psychoscopic awareness to detect the impressions left by recent events. And she shows them that Galactus, eater of planets, was here and brought forth new life. Mentor says they must alert the Shi-ar Majestor immediately.

On the Alpha Flight spacestation in geosynchronous orbit over the Triskelion (HQ of Alpha Flight and the Ultimates) in New York, Captain Marvel looks out into space and at her reflection in the window. She's initially shocked when the reflection asks how her on/off relationship with Jim Rhodes is going. But then she realises correctly it must be Spectrum outside trying out a new trick. Monica Rambeau's light form stops projecting the image and enters the station to resume her physical body. But she tells her friend Carol Danvers that lately she feels when she switches to light form that she's *stopping* doing something, as if light was her natural state and she has to consciously keep her human body going. And she doesn't know what she thinks about that. Then Puck brings Danvers news that Gladiator, the Shi'ar Majestor, is contacting her urgently. He's angry.

2 hours later there's an emergency Ultimates meeting in the Triskelion. Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear) is happy that their plan (#1-2) worked to change Galactus to the Lifebringer state he was *supposed* to be. CM says that the Shi'ar are angry that they weren't consulted, Adam thinks they're just upset that they didn't think of it 1st. Carol thinks he might be right but that they shouldn't take any more cosmic actions until things have calmed down. But BM and Black Panther have to 'fess up that there's something else they've already been working on.

Adam claims that time is broken. Young versions of the X-Men are now living with their older counterparts. People from the future (like Loki) are often trying to change their pasts. Two-Gun Kid is here from the Wild West and will go back with future knowledge. Thing went back into the past and became the pirate Blackbeard. The Age Of Ultron event nearly shattered time completely. T'Challa blames a lot of this Dr Doom's mystical tech called Doomlock which allows someone to change the past without creating an alternate timeline. BP would like to prevent Doom from having invented it in the 1st place, but to do that he'd have to use a Doomlock. Dimensional traveller Ms America (America Chavez) tells them of timelines she's seen where they tried that. She describes the resulting reality as like "spaghetti that screams". BM says at the moment they can't even assess the scale of the problem from the inside. So he and T'Challa have devised a way to get completely *outside* reality.

Cut to the Triskelion's aircraft hanger where they've been building the Exo-craft Abeona, a modified quinjet. CM says she wants to pilot it but she worries if it's strong enough for the trip. Adam says he's hired a specialist to make sure. Enter the latest Giant-Man, Raz Malhotra. He's a multi-disciplinarian like Henry Pym had been, and he's developed a hyperdensity form of Pym particles (that power size changes). T'Challa takes the cannister of the stuff that Raz has brought with him and fits it to the Abeona. The particles spread through its hull to create an 'armour' to withstand the pressures of the Neutral Zone. GM asks if he can come with them, but BM asks if he's ever fought a Cthulhu. This journey's not for someone inexperienced, and besides they need someone to explain what's happened to them if they don't make it back.

When they're ready Captain Marvel tells MAC (apparently her nickname for Ms America Chavez) to open 1 of her star-shaped interdimensional portals big enough to take the Abeona. Their destination is still within their reality, a 'forbidden' area of asteroids on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy where strange alien magic has made the wall of reality thin. Then another large portal takes them into the Superflow, the space between universes where they see the broken machines of the ancient gods (the Builders seen in the build-up to the end of the previous multiverse that happened in Secret Wars). Carol worries about the strain of multiple large portals on MAC but America says they must keep going.

The next portal takes them to the Neutral Zone/Exo-Space that surrounds everything. There they are attacked by some of the 'eldritch forms and predatory concepts' that inhabit the place. The Abeona escapes by a combination of dodging and blasting. Adam Brashear claims to have discovered the NZ, which seasoned dimension-hopper Chavez questions. He describes it as a place where matter and anti-matter can coexist (and it's where the Neutronium he used in #1-2 came from). But Captain Marvel has detected a glowing humanoid form amidst all the other inhabitants of the area. Adam recognises him as Conner Sims, the Anti-Man, who murdered his wife. He's supposed to be dead but here he is asking for help.


Review / Commentaries

Ultimates #3 Review by (October 19, 2024)
After their involvement in the Contest Of Champions the Ultimates split up somewhat.
Black Panther had no other apps.
America Chavez and Spectrum attended an all-female gathering in Patsy Walker: AKA Hellcat #2.
Captain Marvel was continuing her Alpha Flight duties in Civil War II #0 while the Terrigen Cloud gave Ulysses the power that will initiate the Civil War.
Then she attended the pregnancy and childbirth of her friend Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) in #1-5 of the latter's 2016 series, with the other Ultimates apart from BP cameoing in #1 and #5.

The Shi'ar Imperial Guard were invented by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum in X-Men #107 as an homage to DC's Legion Of Super-Heroes. Mentor was based on Brainiac 5, Oracle on Saturn Girl, Smasher on Ultra-Boy and Gladiator on Superboy. The Guard, like the Legion, is composed of members from different worlds, and like the Legionnaires their superpowers are usually a natural power of their species. On this basis a member who dies or leaves the team is often replaced by someone else from their world.
The beings who have filled the Smasher role are different in that they get their powers from Shi'ar tech. The current Smasher is an Earthwoman Izzy Kane.
Mentor, Oracle and Smasher
Gladiator became Majestor of the Shi'ar after the War Of Kings because previous rulers were unavailable. Lilandra Neramani was assassinated in WOK#4. Vulcan was believed killed by the Terrigen-Bomb in WOK#6. Deathbird was severely injured in Uncanny X-Men #486.
The Guard (specifically Gladiator and Mentor) were last seen in Avengers (2102) #44 at the end of the multiverse before Secret Wars. Smasher was there too as part of Sunspot's Avengers. Oracle was with them in the previous issue.

I don't know exactly when Carol Danvers started a relationship with Jim Rhodes but it was certainly before her 2014 series. It will soon be ended by his death in Civil War II #1. (Of course he gets better.)

Puck was a member of the original Canadian Alpha Flight superteam. He, Aurora and Sasquatch joined the new space-based organisation from the start in Captain Marvel's concurrent series.

We learned about the Doomlock system (for changing the past without creating an alternate timeline) in X-Factor (2005) #45-50. The system was invented by Dr Doom, but we've only seen it when some of X-Factor visited the future that Bishop came from to stop someone changing their present. And it can only be used by a cyborg.
I don't see how it can be involved in the time-travel cases Blue Marvel cites:-
The young X-Men came forward in time in 2012's All-New X-Men series. They'll go back in 2018's Extermination mini-series.
King Loki came from the future to corrupt his younger self in the Loki: Agent Of Asgard series which ended with Secret Wars. He'll be back from 2017's Thor #700 to his death in 2019's King Thor mini-series.
Two-Gun Kid came to the present day in Avengers #147 to buddy up with Hawkeye, and went back in Av#175. But he came back to the present again courtesy of the Time Variance Agency in She-Hulk (2005) #3 and was still here in the Initiative's Heavy Hitters team and in the Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt mini-series. He's not been seen since Secret Wars but at some point he must go back to the past for more adventures and his death.
Thing *was* sent back in time by Dr Doom in his 1st app in Fantastic Four #5, and did indeed become Blackbeard.

Henry Pym is off the table as of the Avengers: Rage Of Ultron GN.
Raz Malhotra met Hank and Ant-Man Scott Lang before then in the 2015 Ant-Man Annual, and he afterwards 'inherited' the Giant-Man role. He's already appeared as such in Astonishing Ant-Man #4-5. And after this he'll return there for #7,9-10,13 before popping back for our #9.

I mentioned the provenance of the Superflow and the Neutral Zone/Exo-Space last issue. I don't know if Blue Marvel's reference to fighting Cthulhus (probably in Exo-Space)  is meant as a joke or a way of frightening Giant-Man. But it is said that there are the equally-Lovecraftian Shoggoths there.

There'll be more on the Anti-Man and  BM's history with the Neutral Zone next issue.

The Marvel Chronology Project has golden Galactus making 1 app since his transformation before this in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vol 2 #7.

> Ultimates comic book info and issue index


Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Kenneth Rocafort
Kenneth Rocafort
Dan Brown
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Penciler)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Inker)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Sabino.
Editor: Wil Moss. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.


Listed in Alphabetical Order.

Black Panther
Black Panther

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel

(Carol Danvers)
Ms. America
Ms. America

(America Chavez)

Plus: Anti-Man (Conner Sims), Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear), Giant-Man (Raz Malhotra), Gladiator (Kallark), Mentor (A'Lars), Oracle, Smasher (Isabel Kane), Spectrum (Monica Rambeau), Ultimates.

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