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Ultimates Vol.4 #8

on-sale: Jun 22, 2016
Al Ewing | Kenneth Rocafort

Ultimates Vol.4 #8 cover

Story Name:

Sacrifice play


Ultimates Vol.4 #8 synopsis by Rob Johnson
Rating: 4.5 stars
It's Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) doing the opening recap again. She reminds us that Anti-Man (Conner Sims) is in custody awaiting trial and that last issue she settled a diplomatic problem between Earth and the Shi'ar. They'd noticed some Cosmic Cube-like activity and she stopped Project PEGASUS experimenting with ISO-8 and some CC fragments. (Apparently they never detected the earlier actual Cosmic Cube involved in the Avengers: Standoff event.) But when she tried to inform the Shi'ar wormhole monitoring station she couldn't get through. (We know that they'd been killed by Thanos after he came through the wormhole from Exo-Space.)

But she also recalls the day the Ultimates were formed. She went to see Black Panther (King T'Challa of Wakanda) about dealing with cosmic threats. She suggested creating a proactive force, separate from the Alpha Flight defensive force that he created and she heads, that would go out and solve the big problems before they hit Earth. He agreed and suggested an old frenemy of his as another member.

So Carol found Blue Marvel (Dr Adam Brashear) in his undersea science fortress Kadesh Base. He thought it 'interesting' that T'Challa recommended him. CM said she knows he's no stranger to cosmic threats (eg Anti-Man's earlier crimes in the Adam: Legend Of The BM mini-series). He worried that the Ultimates sounded too much like the secretive Illuminati, but she assured him she wouldn't countenance that. He also wanted non-violent solutions but they compromised on 'where possible'. And he also suggested another member with power and strategic skills.

This time it's Spectrum (Monica Rambeau) who was with him in Sam Wilson's Mighty Avengers, and also used to be a different Captain Marvel). They joined forces to defeat Xarggu, The Mystery That Walks Like A Man, 1 of the Easter Island heads come to life. Monica accepted the offer and suggested Ms America Chavez as their 5th member. (MAC then got recruited in a tale in Avengers (2016) #0).

The US National Security Council got wind of the team and were worried. America Chavez might not even be loyal to this dimension, never mind the USA. Black Panther's loyalty belongs to his own country Wakanda and is a dubious ally. Monica Rambeau's a 'flake' and Adam Brashear's strong belief in democracy has always been trouble. The most moderate voice was worried about the cosmic scale the team plans to operate on. So they called on NSA operative Philip Nelson Vogt to keep an eye on them. And he told them his Troubleshooters were already on the job.

In the present we see the Inhuman precog Ulysses having a vision of Thanos killing people with a big gun. He reports to an audience of BP and CM alongside War Machine (James Rhodes) and other Inhumans Medusa, Crystal and Lockjaw. He had this vision before (in Civil War II #1) and awoke saying they had to call the Ultimates. So Medusa contacted Carol last issue and they all met at the Triskelion (in the Civil War Free Comic Book Day issue). Rhodey's there just because he came to visit Carol (in the FCBD). Ulysses says it'll happen in 3 hours time and describes the scene of his vision which CM recognises as Project PEGASUS.

They go inside and meet the other Ultimates. Colonel Danvers gets the facility evacuated and filled with SHIELD LMDs so as not to alert Thanos. She and Medusa call in whatever other members of A-Force they can get hold of (which turns out to be Dazzler and She-Hulk). Medusa can also get Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (because they're in a relationship at the time) and she'll have other Inhumans in reserve. CapM plans to absorb the energy from Thanos' gun to enable her to turn into Binary. Spectrum suggests they all then take it in turns to attack the foe, but they're not all used to working together so they must be careful not to get in each other's way.

The actual fight with Thanos was described in the CWII FCBD issue, including the fact that all extrapowerful items like Cosmic Cube fragments and ISO-8 have been removed. We get a 2-page summary in this issue showing how Spectrum's strategy (which wasn't described there) plays out and then fails. The tag-teaming ends when the Titan swings Medusa by her long hair to knock aside an incoming missile from War Machine which then detonates on She-Hulk. Shocked Rhodes is then killed by Thanos.

We then move on to CM's debriefing by SHIELD Director Maria Hill in the Triskelion. Carol describes the rest of the FCBD battle as everybody piled on Thanos until she took him out with a cosmic punch. But Rhodey's in the morgue. Hill has informed his family and left a message for his friend Tony Stark. (we don't get to see here as we do in CWII#1 that She-Hulk's paralysed and in a coma, but we do see Carol entering what I believe is Jennifer's room.)

We do see America Chavez blaming herself for Jim's death because she didn't fight well enough, and she's seeking comfort on the phone to her paramedic girlfriend (Lisa Halloran). Adam is trying to convince Monica that *she*'s not to blame. Rambeau thinks that she was too busy with her tactical plan that she overlooked an obvious strategy. She could have turned to light, gone through the Titan's eye and fried his brain. Adam assures his friend that she's not a god, she's human and humans make mistakes.

Then Iron Man makes a forceful landing on the roof and demands to see the Ultimates. (The confrontation plays out in CWII#1. When Stark learns that the battle that killed his friend was initiated by 1 of Ulysses' predictions he says he warned Danvers that they couldn't be trusted. And this sets up the 2 sides of *this* superhero Civil War.)

Epilogue 1:- Vogt reports on the events to the NSC. They don't understand how he's got through the SHIELD & Wakandan security at the Triskelion but he says his Troubleshooters are very good at what they do. The NSC are also worried about Thanos being held there, but he assures them the the Titan *can't* escape.

Epilogue 2:- Shackled Thanos is planning his next move.

Good (or All)
Plus: Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear), Philip Nelson Vogt, Spectrum (Monica Rambeau), Ultimates, Ulysses (Ulysses Cain).

> Ultimates Vol.4 comic book info and issue index

Excelsioring your collection:
Holy smokes, Batman!
(The Boy Wonder)

Main/1st Story Full Credits

Kenneth Rocafort
Kenneth Rocafort
Dan Brown
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Penciler)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Inker)
Kenneth Rocafort (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Joe Sabino.
Editor: Wil Moss. Editor-in-chief: Axel Alonso.

Review / Commentaries

Ultimates Vol.4 #8 Review by (November 2, 2024)
I don't know when Black Panther and Blue Marvel met before, with political differences.
I don't know how Spectrum knew Ms America Chavez either.

In the Marvel Universe the Easter Island statues are Lithodia Rexians, sleeper agents for an invasion which has never happened. Occasionally 1 or more wake up. Pre-Marvel Age occasions have been recorded in Tales To Astonish #5&16 and Tales Of Suspense #28. In the Marvel Age Loki woke them in Thor #318, and Fin Fang & Mangog tried to recruit them in Deadpool (2012) #20. Xarggu here is 1 of them, their only app so far in the new universe.

Philip Nelson Vogt is a new char.

As mentioned in the synopsis this issue includes a fight with Thanos that is mainly described in Free Comic Book Day 2016: Civil War II. Another version of the fight is shown at the beginning of A-Force #8.

Thanos followed the Ultimates from the Outside in #5 and arrived in the 616 universe last issue.

A-Force was an all-female 'Avengers' team with their own mini-series on the Secret Wars Battleworld. Then its member Singularity came to the new 616 universe and an new version of the team coalesced around her for a 2nd mini-series which will end in Civil War II.

The A-Force members (here Captain Marvel, Dazzler, Medusa and She-Hulk) are obviously here between their #7 and the rest of their #8, but they also have other apps in between. I'm tracking CapM in this series anyway, but the others I'll have to mention specifically.

Queen Medusa of the Inhumans has had lots of apps. She's based in the Uncanny Inhumans series (#9 so far) with some side-apps in the All-New Inhumans series (#11 so far). She was involved in the discovery of the precog Ulysses in the opening pages of CWII#1, and his early training in the CWII: Ulysses mini-series and Ms Marvel (2015) #7. She took part in the battle against the predicted Celestial Destructor in CWII#1 which ended with Ulysses being revealed to the other superchars. This Thanos fight story began with Ulysses telling Medusa about his Thanos vision in CWII#1.
The most recent apps for both were in Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #13 where U had a vision of that future, and before that the CWII: Amazing SM mini-series where a prediction by U turned out to cause the event predicted.

A-Force is She-Hulk's only regular gig at this time but she's had many other apps since their #7, among them being:- The 1st 4 issues of Amadeus Cho as the Totally Awesome Hulk. The 1st 7 issues of Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat. CWII#0 which has been described as giving her and Jim Rhodes a final fling before getting killed in FCBD:CWII. Then the battle against Celestial Destructor in CWII#1 and the fatal conflict with Thanos.

Dazzler also has no other regular series than A-Force but makes much fewer apps than CM and the other 2. She's only seen in Spider-Woman (2016) #1 (alongside CM and War Machine) before the Celestial Destructor and Thanos battles.

Speaking of WM, after CWII#0 he had a last run in Iron Man (2015) #6-11 (all but the 1st issue cover-bannered Road To CWII). And then he too tackles the Celestial Destructor and then gets killed by Thanos.

The other 2 Inhumans involved are Crystal and Lockjaw. Crystal spends more time in All-New Inh than in Uncanny Inh. The teleporting dog appears with Medusa in the CWII: Ulysses mini and with Crys in a couple of ANInh issues. They both miss the Celestial Destructor fight but Crys is there with Medusa for the celebration afterwards and the intro of Ulysses. And Lockjaw is with Medusa in CWII:SM. Then both accompany her to the fateful fight with Thanos.

The other char to track is Maria Hill. She was in CWII#0 but then went mostly her own way apart from sharing Thunderbolts (2016) #3 with Medusa, Crystal and Lockjaw and  Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe with Medusa, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. She misses out the Celestial Destructor fight but (grumpily) attends the celebration. She also misses the Thanos fight but debriefs CM about it in this issue. And she's there when Tony Stark arrives angry.

Iron Man is only in this issue near the end in a short scene which mirrors the beginning of the much longer scene in CWII#1 where he blames CM for the death of Jim Rhodes. Before that he was in the Celestial Destructor battle and met Ulysses, but he wasn't in the Thanos fight where Rhodey died because he was too busy discovering who his birth parents were in the International Iron Man series.

Most of the chars apart from the Ultimates themselves don't carry over to the next issue, which occurs in the middle of CWII#3 between Hawkeye killing Bruce Banner and his trial. But before that comes CWII#2 where Iron Man invades Attilan and kidnaps Ulysses until an assembly of superchars rescue him. I'll consider our team's activity in CWII#2 here and leave CWII#3 for #9.

4 of the team (plus Crystal and Maria Hill) get involved but America Chavez takes the time out to tell Patsy Walker (in her #8) that She-Hulk is in a coma, and takes her to see her.
In between the kidnapping and the rescue various other issues show people responding to the fates of SH and WM including:- CM, Medusa and Dazzler in A-Force #8-9. CM and Blue Marvel giving the news to Power Man & Iron Fist in their #6.
At the end CWII#2 Ulyssess has a vision of Hulk killing lots of superheroes. While deciding what to do about it CM helps the Uncanny Avengers defeat Ultron in their #11-12.

War Machine is dead but Tony Stark will bring him back to life in 2018's Iron Man #600.

She-Hulk will still be in a coma in the Fallen 1-shot. But CWII#8 will contain a flashforward to her in a new grey state. 2020's Immortal She-Hulk series will reveal that she does die, but is then resurrected as a new angry grey She-Hulk.


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