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Uncanny X-Men, The (1981 series) #171

Chris Claremont | Walt Simonson

Uncanny X-Men, The (1981 series) #171 cover

Story Name:



Uncanny X-Men, The (1981 series) #171 synopsis by Anthony Silvestro
Rating: 5 stars

As the new leader of the Morlocks, Storm forbids them from attacking or threatening the people of New York. Callisto swears to Storm that she’ll regain leadership once more and Storm tells her not to push her luck, as they’ve already fought once before, with Storm victorious. Nightcrawler observes that Storm seems to be going out of her way to make an enemy of Callisto and he worries to himself about the dark changes he’s seeing in her. Meanwhile, in Alaska, Madelyne Pryor awakens from a terrible nightmare with a start! When Scott Summers comes to check on her, she recounts to him a terrible tragedy from her past. She had been in a fiery plane crash, which left her as the sole survivor, miraculously without a scratch! She mentions the day of the accident as September 1st, 1980, and Scott realizes that’s the very same day that Jean Grey died!

We cut again to Beverly, Massachusetts, where Carol Danvers finishes up a visit with her parents. She notes the awkwardness, for while Professor Xavier was able to restore her lost memories, she still doesn’t feel the emotions that should go along with them, feeling that her life as Carol Danvers may truly be over! Meanwhile, at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Charles Xavier himself continues to work with Lilandra at breaking the psychosomatic issues that still prevent him from walking in his new body. Xavier then alerts Colossus in the kitchen to the arrival of a visitor. Colossus opens the door to find Rogue, who frantically says she’s not there for a fight and needs Xavier’s help! The rest of the X-Men are gathered and Rogue explains that her powers are out of control and that the persona she absorbed from Carol Danvers is driving her crazy! She can’t tell which thoughts and memories are her own anymore and, feeling lost, turned to Xavier as her only hope. Xavier wants to examine Rogue alone, and while the X-Men question if that’s a good idea, he states that they have nothing to fear her from the broken, anxious girl before them.

While the X-Men all have their misgivings about Rogue and her real intentions, Kitty Pryde suggests a Danger Room session so they can blow off steam. Illyana Rasputin elects to set up the program for the Danger Room but when it loads up, it shows a replica of their adventure in limbo against Belasco! This shocks Illyana just as much as anyone and Kitty angrily shuts the program down. Illyana then attacks Kitty, as if in a trance, summoning an energy sword out of nowhere that’s able to hurt Kitty even when she’s phasing! Kitty disarms Illyana, which breaks her out of her spell and she collapses, saying that she remembered everything that happened in limbo during the seven years she was trapped there! Later on, Storm wrestles with her own issues, just as aware of the changes in herself that Nightcrawler noticed earlier. She feels herself changing, hardening, gaining aspects that make her a better leader for the X-Men but which seem to be at the cost of her ideals. She feels at a crossroads for where her life is heading, feeling sudden, intense anger at Xavier for making her an X-Man, a decision which she feels is destroying her!

Xavier calls the X-Men in once more to say that he’s determined that Rogue is being sincere and that he’s admitted her to both the school and to the X-Men, as a probationary member! Storm feels that she should be consulted, as team leader, feeling that they won’t be able to trust her. At that moment, Carol, as Binary, returns to the mansion, and a moment later, Rogue goes rocketing out of the mansion and practically into orbit from Binary’s punch! She flies back down, where Binary is waiting for her and gets belted again before Colossus attempts to restrain Carol. Carol reveals who she is to Rogue, which stuns her and Storm and the other X-Men threaten to walk if Rogue stays as an X-Man. Xavier fires back, saying they can’t just pick and choose who to help, reminding Storm that she advocated for Wolverine not long ago due to his potential for good, and the same applies to Rogue. Xavier says that this is why he started the school, to give mutants the best shot possible at a better life and that he won’t ever deny or condemn any mutant that comes to him for help. The X-Men trust Xavier’s decision, while Carol flies off, feeling more frustrated and betrayed than ever. Storm once again feels at a crossroads, not knowing whether she should stay or go, feeling that no matter what she chooses, she will never again be the woman that she was.

Good (or All)
Plus: Binary (Carol Danvers), Callisto, Madelyne Pryor, Morlocks.

> Uncanny X-Men, The (1981 series) comic book info and issue index

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Main/1st Story Full Credits

Walt Simonson
Walt Simonson
Glynis Wein
Walt Simonson (Cover Penciler)
Bob Wiacek (Cover Inker)
Unknown (Cover Colorist)
Additional Credits
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski.

Review / Commentaries

Uncanny X-Men, The (1981 series) #171 Review by (January 22, 2025)

Review: The X-Men gain a new member as lots of characters deal with some heavy emotions and inner turmoil! First and foremost, Rogue is admitted to the X-Men after turning to Xavier for help with her powers, feeling lost and broken, not knowing which thoughts and memories are hers and which are Carol’s. The rest of the X-Men don’t take kindly to this decision at first, especially Carol, for obvious reasons. Carol herself is still struggling with feeling disconnected from her previous life, like someone else is in her body, nicely paralleling Rogue, who’s feeling much the same thing. Storm also feels at war with herself, something that was set up and hinted at over the previous few issues. She feels that she’s changing, becoming a more hardened person, making her a better leader for the X-Men, but possibly at the cost of her ideals, unsure if she should stay or go. Nightcrawler notices and worries about those very same changes.

Illyana also deals with her own struggles, unconsciously bringing up Belasco in the Danger Room. She demonstrates her powers for the first time, while also remembering everything that happened in limbo and confirming the hold that Belasco may still have over her. Though it’s a very traumatic experience for Illyana, she is now one step closer to becoming Magik. Finally, we get an interesting look at Madelyne, as she tells Scott about how she was the sole survivor of a terrible plane crash that Scott realizes occurred the very same day that Jean Grey died! This definitely creates some questions as it teases a connection between her and Jean. While this wouldn’t seem that weird, given later revelations, it does seem to contradict Claremont’s original plans for Madelyne, probably only serving to add fuel for a big story coming up a few issues from now, which I’ll into more then. A real classic issue, with big events and big emotions, especially for lot of the female characters!

Comments: Rogue joins the X-Men. Walt Simonson provides guest pencils. First demonstration of Illyana’s powers.


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