In Japan, near Tokyo, a bunch of kids stare at a giant
dragon that just appeared in the sky. Suddenly, the X-Men appear as well and
fall to the ground, as the dragon flies off. The X-Men awaken and realize that
this is where they were deposited after being returned from Battleworld (following Secret Wars). They also realize
that the dragon was one that was involved with Lockheed while they were
off-world, now much bigger. Professor X sends Rogue to check on Kitty and
Cyclops, to make sure everything is alright with them, while the rest stay to
handle the dragon now heading for Tokyo. Xavier realizes that he shouldn’t have
superseded Storm on the decision-making but now that he can finally join the
X-Men in the field after so many years of being forced to sit back, he’s unsure
he would want to give up his leadership role.
Meanwhile, the Japanese defense command center is
alerted to the dragon’s approach, and they mobilize their military to deal with
it. They are also alerted to the X-Men’s involvement and Mariko Yashida sends
her cousin Sunfire to assist. The dragon arrives in Tokyo and perches on a
skyscraper, causing a rain of debris to fall to the streets below. The X-Men
each use their unique gifts to keep people out of danger. Colossus deals with
the falling debris and Storm sweeps it out to sea, while Nightcrawler teleports
civilians out of harms way. Professor X then directs Wolverine to the
unfortunate people already trapped in the wreckage. He then tries probing the
dragon’s mind to try and calm it, but the dragon perceives this as an attack
and hurls a chunk of the building at Xavier! He’s saved by the timely arrival
of Sunfire and the Japanese military, who open fire on the dragon.
Elsewhere, in Tahiti, Cyclops is deposited back to his
honeymoon where he was originally taken from, quite literally dropping out of
the sky! His wife, Madelyne Pryor, is overjoyed is see Scott safe and alive,
but frustrated that his life as an X-Man keeps drawing him away. The two
embrace as Scott apologizes, admitting that a normal life may never be in the
cards for them. Back in Tokyo, the dragon generates immense gusts of wind with
its wings that Storm tries quelling but ends up being pulled away herself!
Xavier awakens, covered in debris from the wreckage that Sunfire failed to
completely destroy and initially panics when he can’t feel his legs, sending
out mental waves that hurt everyone around him. Colossus runs to free Xavier, who
realizes that he was overreacting, and that the mental and emotional scars from
his years in a wheelchair are very much still there.
Meanwhile, Wolverine finds a woman and her child
trapped in the wreckage. The woman had shielded her child and doesn’t have long
left to live. Wolverine promises that he’ll make sure her daughter, Amiko, is
looked after, just before the woman dies. The dragon continues its rampage,
until Lockheed intervenes, speaking to the dragon in a language only the two of
them understand. Lockheed makes it quite clear that the dragon’s feelings for
him are unrequited, which causes the dragon to fly off in shock and sadness.
The X-Men tend to the aftermath, still unsure what caused the whole ordeal.
Wolverine points to a nearby gathering of the rubble, revealing that the dragon
never meant any harm, and was only trying to build a nest for herself and
Lockheed. We then cut to Washington D.C. for an epilogue, where Senator Kelly
proposes the Mutant Control Act, to bring his plans to protect the country from
mutants to fruition. The President states that he’ll fight Kelly on this and
hopes that any damage that comes from this isn’t irrevocable!