At Avengers Mansion, a somber Captain America confides in Iron Man that he has no private life anymore. In contrast to his teammates who are enjoying themselves all around him (especially the Beast who has a hot date), Steve Rogers has nothing to do when Cap isn’t needed. Iron Man takes him up on the rainy roof to tell him that they all have problems, life is what you make of it, and to stop feeling sorry for himself. As Cap stands contemplating that message, he spies a boy in the street below about to be hit by a truck. He launches himself off the roof pushes the boy out of the way then flips over the oncoming vehicle. After lecturing the kids about traffic safety, he suddenly remembers that the Falcon is missing and heads to SHIELD HQ to learn if there has been any word on his missing partner. In the strangely deserted barbershop that conceals the secret entrance to the SHIELD complex, he is attacked by a defense robot which he manages to destroy. Down in the complex he finds no one and begins questioning his sanity. Jasper Sitwell contacts him on a viewscreen to warn him that Nick Fury had ordered the HQ moved to a new location and this one is about to be destroyed in fifteen minutes. Cap asks about the Falcon and is put through to the Super-Agents who are in Los Angeles. Vamp has heard nothing of the missing hero but Blue Streak has a clue: a contact told Falcon "Jim’s in trouble" before he vanished. As Cap ponders this riddle, the doors automatically lock and he is attacked by the Constrictor, whose electrified coils encircle Cap’s body. Cap clobbers the villain with his shield while wondering how the Constrictor knew he was there: only Jasper or one of the Super-Agents could have set him up. Cap tries to warn his foe that the base is set to be destroyed but the baddie does not believe him. He snatches Cap’s shield out of the air with his coils; Cap recovers his shield and ties the coils in a knot—just as a pre-set explosion causes the roof to collapse on them….
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Blue Streak, Vamp.