Hawkeye (2012 series) #10 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
Kate Bishop is at 1 of her father's posh parties when she spots an interesting guy. The issue intersperses their conversation with the man's actual history.
Kazimierz Kazimierczak and his younger brother Janek lived in their family's circus in Poland until all but they 2 are killed by soldiers in a war. They run away and try to loot stuff they can sell to buy their way across the border, but are caught by some more soldiers. However they are saved by another guy who kills the soldiers. (This guy is dressed like the goons we know as the Tracksuit Draculas.)
Kate describes how New York has been heavily modified over the last 2 centuries. She says she loves the place.
Kaz and Janek do a semi-mime act in an underground station. (Kaz already has white-face makeup.) Then something explodes and Janek is killed.
The man at the party remarks that New York has buried its past, unlike European cities. He asks his companion what she's doing in this dead party. She finally tells him her name's Kate and it's her dad's party.
In the flashbacks an older Kaz dons white-face makeup plus the tear and does his 1st assassination job.
In the present Kaz (we've guessed it's him) tells Kate he lost his family in the war, and now he only loves his work. And he's lucky because he can do his job anywhere. Kate is equally vague about what *she* does. She says she loves the idea of her job but her sort-of boss is a human car-crash and it's depressing watching him mess up over and over again. So she comes to parties like this to get away from him. Kaz says he likes *his* job but it's where he came from that was a hellhole. He could make money doing what he does and that let him escape from Hell.
We see a collage of assassinations, ending with 1 booked by a Tracksuit Dracula. Then the boss of the TDs offers him a big job.
Kate and Kaz are the only ones left as staff clear up after the party. He tells her how to pronounce his full name, but then shortens it to Kazi. She asks where he's from and he says "I told you. I came from Hell." Then he leaves with a "Be seeing you." But she catches up with him to regain control of the situation and kisses him goodbye.
Later he's watching Clint Barton's apartment block while donning his clown face. He sees Kate enter (in civvies, not the scooter outfit from last issue, but still with a purple top). She finds Clint practising his archery very badly. He ignores her so she joins in the arrow firing to get his attention. He yells at her because he's mad at himself. She does the splitting an arrow with another arrow trick and then walks out. Lucky the Pizza Dog has been watching it all.
Then we get a replay of the final scene from last issue where Grills (with his puppy) told Clint to write his feeling down in a letter. And after Barton left Kaz killed Grills, repeating "I told you. I came from Hell."
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Clown (
Kazimierz Kazimierczak).