Hawkeye (2012 series) #7 synopsis by
Rob Johnson
This issue is given the dates 29-30th October and was written in response to Hurricane Sandy which travelled up the east coast and hit New York on 29th Oct 2012.
It only contains 1 time fracture and so is easily described in page order.
On the evening of the 29th the rain has already begun. Clint Barton is driving Grills from their Brooklyn apartment block to Grills' father in Far Rockaway to help him weather the storm despite Pa hating him. They get there OK and find lots of other residents driving *out* of the area. But Grills senior is ignoring the problem. Clint tries to erect a sandbag defence while Grills starts ferrying stuff up from the basement.
But then Barton sees a wall of water rushing up the street and dashes inside to warn the other 2 to get upstairs. They hustle the old man up the stairs as the wave smashes the front door in. Clint wades out to see his car being washed away. He returns to find the father in his bedroom but no sign of the son, whose real name he belatedly realises he doesn't know. Grills has gone down to the basement to rescue a box of his mother's memories. Clint finds him near drowning and saves him but not the box. Father and son console each other over the loss.
The old man says he's got a rowboat in the attic, and Barton starts to row them to safety. On the way he learns that Grills' real name is Gil, short for Gilbert. He tells them that a friend is attending a wedding today in Jersey.
Now we flashback to earlier in the day where Clint is taping up a box of canned goods to take to Grills' father. Kate Bishop is visiting, dressed up for an engagement party (not a wedding, but it *is* in New Jersey). We get a cameo of Lucky the Pizza Dog while they argue the merits of Jersey vs Brooklyn, and Bruce Springsteen vs Bruce Kulick, which ends with Kate throwing Clint out of his own apartment.
Later at the party in the Stabile hotel Kate watches the hurricane hit as the manager assures her the place is perfectly safe. Then the lights go out.
Next day the storm has passed but the occupants of the hotel are still trapped. A friend tells Kate that her mother has run out of meds she desperately needs, and Kate decides it's time for Hawkeye to save the day. She rips off the hem of her expensive dress and discards her equally expensive shoes in favour of the manager's boots. She heads down to the basement car park and finds it flooded. She swims to her car and retrieves her bow and arrows. Thus equipped she heads out as Hawkeye (well her dress *is* their trademark purple).
She passes people dealing with the storm damage, and then finds that the pharmacy/convenience store has been broken into. She surprises 2 hooded looters who pour scorn on her weaponry. Before she can show them the error of their thinking a 3rd looter hits her head from behind with a can of beans. She's not out long because when she recovers she sees that locals with makeshift weapons have surrounded the looters outside. The cops arrive to take them away and the store-owners give her the meds for free.
The 2 Hawkeye's meet up outside Clint's apartment building where damage is also being repaired. Kate asks to crash for the night and they argue over who gets the couch.