It's 6 months after Avengers Disassembled, and in the ruins of Genosha Charles Xavier is trying to stop Wanda Maximoff from repeatedly changing reality to get her dead children back. But each time he brings her back to reality she has to face the fact that she caused Ant-Man, Hawkeye and her ex-husband Vision to be killed.
Prof X tells Wanda's father Magneto that she's getting worse, and he has to keep mentally sending her to sleep. Erik blames himself for putting his war against anti-mutant humanity before his duty to his children.
Skip to Avengers Tower, where ex-Avengers Falcon, Wonder Man and Carol Danvers have been invited to a meeting. Carol is thinking of ditching her Warbird identity and reverting to Ms Marvel, though she wears the Warbird outfit this time.
Most of the current New Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Man and Sentry) are already there, along with other old Avengers She-Hulk, Wasp and Yellowjacket (already replaced by a Skrull). Prof X has called this meeting to discuss what to do about Scarlet Witch, and Dr Strange is here for his expertise. Now they are joined by team-member Wolverine and the rest of the (Astonishing) X-Men (Beast, Colossus, Cyclops, Emma Frost and Shadowcat).
Meanwhile Wanda's brother Quicksilver has heard about the meeting and has come to Genosha. He believes the Avengers and X-Men will decide Scarlet Witch must die to protect reality. But father Magneto can't offer him any alternative.
The meeting has some strongly polarised views. Hard-headed Emma Frost and Wolverine say she must die. Cap says there's always another way. Spider-Man, Shadowcat and Cyclops also object on principle. Wonder Man won't hear of it because he loved her, Wasp and Carol because she was their friend.
But Emma gets Xavier and Strange to admit they can't find a way to neutralise Wanda's power. She fears that if the public find out that the Witch killed fellow Avengers then it will destroy human/mutant relations.
They all agree to go see the problem at first-hand. But when they get to Genosha Wanda isn't in her bed. Emma psychically locates 'them', but Dr Strange can't sense any of Wanda's magic. As they track her down there's a sudden white light ..........
Peter Parker wakes up in bed, hearing his baby crying. His blonde wife tells him it's his turn to deal with it.
CharactersGood (or All)Plus: Shadowcat (
Shadowcat), Warbird (
Carol Danvers).
EnemiesPlus: Hank Pym (